Oh Where, Oh Where Can You Be?

The number of friends, neighbors and family that have reconnected through this blog is really exciting. I find it very gratifying to know that I may have given someone the opportunity to reach out to others in their life.

With that said, today’s post has a singular purpose. Today, I am reaching out to try to find out about someone that was part of my parent’s lives many years ago.

My mother and father were married in October of 1947. When they were married, the extravagances that many of today’s couples insist on were not even up for consideration or even available.

Instead of elaborate photo albums created by professional photographers, wedding memories were most likely captured by a family member or friend wielding a box camera loaded with black and white film. Souvenirs were merely slices of the wedding cake wrapped in a napkin, only IF there was even a wedding cake. Supposedly, if an unmarried woman would sleep with the wedding cake under her pillow, she would dream of the person she would marry. I tried to research the source of this tradition, and it appears that it started with either the Greeks, the Romans, the English, the Swedish, or an old wife. For the heck of it, let’s claim the tradition for the Hunkies!!!

The souvenirs that remain from my parent’s wedding are their marriage certificate from Sacred Heart Church in McKeesport, a newspaper clipping, a dime that my mother had in her shoe on her wedding day for good luck, and few black and white snapshots.

That brings me to the reason behind this posting. I am trying to find out something about the person who was apparently an important part of my mother’s life. Since all of my aunt and uncles are deceased, the mystery about this woman lives on. From the pictures I’m posting, she must have been best friends with my mother. Her name is Helen Chinchar and she was from Whitaker, which is right down the hill from Kennywood on the West Mifflin side.

Helen was my mother’s Maid of Honor at her wedding. Beyond that, I have nothing. I have tried to research information, but to no avail. Since Chinchar is the only name I have, I don’t know if she ever married, if she stayed in Whitaker, if she and Mom continued as friends. I don’t recall Helen being a part of my life as a young child, so I suspect she may have gotten married and moved away from the area.

And so I come to you for clues. I realize she was not from Duquesne, but perhaps someone knows something about her. I have no reason to search for information other than curiosity. Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to comment on this post if you have information about Helen. I certainly would welcome it. The pictures below are from my parents wedding day as well as their times together with Helen Chinchar. I hope they help.

Taken at 300 block of Hamilton Ave. in Duquesne on Wedding Day

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