About the Duquesne Hunky

Born and raised in the Duquesne, PA area, I was the 2nd child of a Croation mother and a Slovak father. Pure hunky, through and true! My life was one of stuffed cabbages, kielbasa, pickled pig’s feet and perogi’s. This blog is dedicated to life in the 50’s. 60’s and 70’s in a wonderful town called Duquesne.

429 Responses to About the Duquesne Hunky

  1. Tina Emery says:

    I spent a great deal of time on South Fifth Street with my grandparents, George and Mary Knezovic. My mom, Carlotta DeNardo and her brothers Salvadore and Nick grew up in Duquesne and graduated from Duquesne High School.

      As a little girl, my sisters and I would walk to Gallagher’s Pharmacy for my grandmother and loved ham salad from Manns. We attended church at St Hedwig, and chased the ice cream truck. Those are precious memories of a much more innocent time in a city full of true neighbors 💗

    • William C Lang says:

      I grew up in West Mifflin but my mother and father were both from Duquesne. My grandmother lived on Simon Aley. I know where Gallagher’s Pharmacy and Mann’s were. Where is St Hedwig church located?

      • Marlene Prosnik says:

        St. Hedwig’s Polish Catholic Church was on the corner of Kennedy Avenue and S. 5th St.

  2. LARA L CRIVELLO says:

    My father Larry Koch and Uncle Pat grew up on second Street. My grandma’s (Ann Koch) sister(Mary Loncaric owned the Bar, Green Gables that was where Mcdonald was by Kennywood. I am 48 and when I was a little girl, my brothers and I with my Pap would play outside on the sidewalks and walk everywhere. I grew up in North Huntingdon but would go to Holy Name with my grandma to church. Boy has it changed.

    • jerry.blasko@verizon.net says:

      I remember Green Gables so well. When I was a kid, I’d stay with my grandparents on Clonmel Street.

      I walked to Kennywood a lot, and often peeked in the Green Gables just to see what was going on with the adults inside.

  3. Ronald Crossett says:

    Was there a bar in Duquesne called the Clark Bar??

  4. Nancy says:

    Does anyone know the name of a bakery owned by Helen Martinek. I believe it was on grant street

  5. Kathy are you the one who worked with my husband Dave in Duquesne steel mill before it closed down in the 80’s where are you living now?, Carol mathews

    • Carole Catherine Kovac says:

      I’m curious to know if anyone knew of a Carole Koziol, later married and her last name was then Kovac? She is my grandma and I am looking for relatives. Her parents moved from Poland to west Mifflin, pa.

  6. Tom Loker says:

    I remember the Slovak Club.

    • aopalko says:

      hey Tom, my grandmother bartender at the Slovak club, Patsy.

    • Marlene Prosnik says:

      Ah, yes, the Slovak Club. My husband George Prosnik lived on 2nd St. a few doors up from Parker’s and had their shrimp dinners (he still remembers how good they were!) I remember so many family wedding receptions held there…the polka bands I loved dancing to, the delicious buffet of Slovak favorites including nut and poppy seed rolls and cookies, the bridal money dance where the new bride danced with everyone and in return they gave the newlyweds money. Females got a piece of the wedding cake and age appropriate males a shot of whiskey after they danced with her. The groom danced last then picked up his new bride carrying her through the front door and into their new lives together.

      • Ed says:

        Hello Marlene. I would like to speak with you. My great grandfather is Michael Cipkala. My mom is Janice. You replied to her on other sites

    • Nicholas Cmar says:

      As a kid my grandfather would take me to the Slovak club and the VFW

    • William C Lang says:

      I remember it too. My aunt Annie Skwerz used to work there. She and uncle Stan lived on 5th St in Duquesne.

  7. Norm Carrick says:

    Regarding your inquiry re:. Mary Frances Reed. We dated while in HS. She was my date for some formal dance which occasion escapes me although I do have a photo of the occasion. Our last contact was at Penn State around 1958 or1959.

    • Gene Bujdos says:

      I am on the DHS Class of 1957 Reunion Committee. We also have not had any contact with her since then. Believe it or not: we plan on having our 65 Reunion NEXT September, so if you get any info about her, we would appreciate it. Thanks. Gene Bujdos NNNN

    • connie says:

      I was about 7 years old in 1958 but wished we could go back to those days. Most of us had our priorities straight at that time, God, family, country, career, and a Buick. Then came the 60’s and hippies and things changed and today these same people who burned their bras and burned the flag and said, “Hell no, I won’t go” are in charge. I hope and pray for our country so that the young people can enjoy some freedoms that we had, and, unfortunately, we gave up so easily. I pray for us all and God bless America again

  8. Bill Laczko says:

    Anyone know Denny Matthie??

    • Marilyn Marino says:

      Hi. I don’t know if anyone answered you. But Denny passed away in 2018

      • Russell Clanagan says:

        I knew Dennis very well but I didn’t know that he died. We went to High school together and I
        Remember when he quit school. He was a great friend and a wonderful person his mother worked at the coffee shop on the corner of Grant avenue and Second Street for many years so sorry to hear of his passing.

      • Marlene Gertrude Prosnik says:

        Is Roy your brother? If so, how is he? I graduated Class of ’64 and I think we go back as far as Crawford School. Tell him I said hi.

        Marlene Yarosik Prosnik

  9. Lynn says:

    This little town might not be the same, but the memories of watching Duke’s football in the early 80’s will live forever. Those were good times. Thanks for bringing back the memories with this blog.

  10. Me too. Steve serdy,born 1952. For a nothing city, duquesne had a lot.

  11. Mike Spencer says:

    I recall a Francis Forgash who refereed basketball games in Munhall. Any relation? Great guy!

    • Dave Forgash (DHS 62) says:

      No known relationship to Forgash from Duquesne or McKeesport. As the Grandparents were immigrants many speaking little if any English the spelling of last name took several forms Forgac, Forgach at immigration centers. Interestingly many families through out the USA with these similar spellings may or may not be related depending from which country they immigrated

  12. Ron Lucko,son of steve lucko says:

    I dont know if you remember the Careks, Luckos, and Laczkos. My grandma Lucko lived on Hamilton next to the Leskos. My Grandma Carek lived on Second St. Those were the days when a kid you could walk the streets safely because people knew who you belonged ro.

    • Bill Laczko says:

      I told her I thought this was interesting to see you here still waiting to hear from you so we can get together phone number 323-864-2956 hope to hear from you Ronnie

    • Lisa Versetti says:

      My grandma was Helen Lesko, My dad was Mark Lesko

      • Ron lucko says:

        mark and I were buddies. I used to hangout with him, when I came to visit my grandmother. She lived next door to Lesko’s store. Last time I saw him was in late 90’s. I heard he passed away. So sorry to hear about his passing. A good guy

  13. Thomas Dubich says:

    Sorry I went to holyname
    On 1st Street


  14. connie sturmm, says:

    I am very disappointed that no one answered my request. I wanted to know who went to St. Joesph school on Grant Street, Duquesne who the first-grade nun was in 1957 and who was the parish priest. Father Bernarding I think was the pastor in 1958 for our first communion. I remember how nice the nun was and can’t remember her name. I think it was Sister Agnus or Alice and she was replaced about halfway through the semester because she suffered a nervous breakdown. Please, someone, let me know.

    • Louis M Andriko says:

      I think the parochial vicar ( that’s what the assistant pastor is called these days ) was Father Petrie. I was in that class with Sr Mary Alice. As these issues were not openly discussed in those days, i found out later that she was newly graduated from college and we were her first assignment, all 72 of us! Simply overwhelmed by the sheer enthusiasm of six dozen students, I cannot remember her replacement for that year, but in 2nd grade, we had Sr Rose Michelle for our Communion class ( I’ve posted a photo is somewhere on this blog.)
      Third grade was taught by wonderful lay teacher, Mrs. Clay. and by 4th grade the class was split in two, half attending in the AM with other half in afternoon, I had Sr Mary Mark.
      Wont ever forget Srs Virginia and Marcelline either.
      There were several pastors and vicars during those eight years. Hope this helps.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Thank you so much, Louis, now I remember. Do you remember me, I was the barber’s daughter (Joe’s Barbershop), Constance Guadagnolo. My father had a barber shop on Grant Street in Duquesne for many years.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        I have another question. At St. Joseph’s did they ever bus us to different events. I think I remember being on a bus? going home from school. Didn’t we go on retreats too? Do you remember the Maryknoll’s? Was your nickname Louie? Mine was “pizza” along with Beatrice Bonacci who was my best friend. Eagerly waiting for your reply. My maiden name was Guadagnolo.

      • Lou Andriko says:

        Hey Connie, I thought that’s who you are and sure, I remember you. And ‘Beechie’, and something about the missions but remember any bus rides. I remember your father’s shop, but only went there one time I can recall, as my usual barber on Crawford Ave was closed during an extended illness. I’m retired from pharmacy now (44 yrs) and live in Elkins WV; mom still lives in the family home on Maryland Ave, and both married daughters live in South Hills. Great to hear from you.
        To Jim: can you find that First Communion photo and re- post it here?

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        I’m still teaching part-time at the community college and have been widowed since 1978 when Duquesne born husband, Robert Sturm, died in a car accident. After raising three children I went back to school, the University of Pittsburgh and California State in order to be able to teach at the universities and colleges, which I did for 25 years. I remember you as being scientific and analytically oriented, but were you good at dodge ball? I remember being on a bus at times, I think in first grade, did they bus us to different schools like Holy Name or Holy Trinity or even to McKeesport churches or Boys town? I’m still single today and live in Irwin.

      • Lou Andriko says:

        I’ve just re-read my post- sorry, but do NOT remember anything at all about riding on a bus while at St Joe’s. BTW, analytical and scientific maybe, dodge ball not no much, eyes were never that good and now night driving is very difficult, and is one major factor in retirement decision – 25 mile trips on twisty 2 lane blacktop over a mountain in the rain is hazardous to your/my safety. But doing a conservative estimate, I’ve personally filled over a million prescriptions, so I hope I’ve done some good along the way.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        I’m sure you contributed a lot to your profession. The bus trips could have been when we went on a retreat with the nuns. Maybe it was just the girls, but I’m not sure Perhaps someone else who sees my post would be able to answer me. Thanks for remembering me

      • Lou Andriko says:

        Hey Connie, ( and anyone else interested )
        At the spot in the right hand margin marked SEARCH THE BLOG, enter 1959, and the post with the Communion Class of 1959 will pop up. And again sorry, that class had 88 of us!

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:


        Louie, do you remember Eddie Bost and his brother Jimmy? I think Eddie was in our class, right?

      • Lou Andriko says:

        I think I think I remember JIMMIE Bost from our class, rather than Eddie. But wife and kids tell me that most of the stuff I remember so vividly now never actually happened, so…..

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        I don’t understand why people would tell you that your vivid memories didn’t happen because I have them too. Which parts did they say didn’t happen? Were they at St. Joe’s too?

      • Lou Andriko says:

        Births, deaths, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, yesterday’s breakfast. You name it, I remember all of it, just not on the right day, at the right time, and with the right person, LOL. As the song said: ‘Two out of three ain’t bad.’ It’s great fun being retired.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Maybe it was Eddie Favian? Something like that instead of Bost; I think the bosts were altar boys and older than us. I need to check out our communion pic. Let me know if you know

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Do you remember a Father Pierce

      • Lou Andriko says:

        No, but as I said in my first response, there was Fr. Petrie who was there as associate for the early years, 1st to 4-5th grade, followed by Fr Robert Herrmann, (7-8th grades?) Not really sue about those years.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Yes, you are so right! I remember now. Father Herman was nice. Remember Mr. Calibro for 5th grade. I was class president and ran against Drew Schmaning who tried to impeach me. My slogan was, “Days will be sunny if you vote for Connie” and promised everyone pizza parties, and I won. I loved Mr. Calibro and seemed to fair better with the lay teachers. Sister Jerome knew my brother Sal really well and tried to get me not to speak broken English which was hard for a girl born into an all Italian family. Sometimes still I speak Italian and broken English and my parents have passed a few years ago. Sister Jerome tried to get me to enter the convent and I went on many retreats during my young school years. It’s fun reminiscing with one of St Joe’s finest! Your memory is good.

      • Lou Andriko says:

        Had forgotten Mr C. until just now; you should recall Mrs. Clay (3rd) and Sr Mary Mark (4th?) How about Sr Hubert, (5th) she had a throat problem, spoke very quietly? First time we had class in ‘new building’ was 6th grade with Mr Calibro, right? Then Sr Jerome was 7th and Sr Marcelline (8th)
        And Joe McKenna the janitor? His son is a priest, saw him a few months back at Mass at St Joe’s when he came home to Duq. for a visit and I was home to visit Mom.

      • Lou Andriko says:

        Yes, Eddie FAGAN is alive and well, spoke with my mother the last time they saw each other at StJoe’s. FYI, he’s #77 in the photo, I’m #79.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        I was close with the name, what about a Father Pierce? See your memory still is good, they changed the name of St. Joe’s, I remember when my parents went there with Father Dennis?
        My dad was in charge of the Knights of Columbus bingo in West Mifflin for many years. My mom always went to bingo and when she would win the other women would say, “There goes the barber’s wife again.” Great memories, I keep thinking about the name Father Pierce was he a vicar after Father Pietre?

      • Lou Andriko says:

        Well, St Joseph never did changed it’s name: when Holy Name and St Hedwig combined to form Christ the Light of the World, Fr Dennis became their pastor, and when St Joe’s needed a pastor, he became it’s administrator. and was finally made it’s pastor as well before he died. With the realignment in the diocese, St Joe’s is now part of Group 229: https://www.one4him.org/ and just found out that there will be no scheduled Masses at St Hedwig, only weddings or funerals. Sorry to say, but Council 4310 Duq/WMifflin KoC is also defunct, even sold the building. Enrollments are down everywhere, I was Grand Knight of Council 603 here at St Brendan- close to 100 due paying members, maybe 30 actually active over time…. After hard thinking. maybe the Bost brother in our class was Jerry? No recollection of Fr Pierce; but didn’t we have a classmate Donnie Peairs?

        On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 6:09 PM The Duquesne Hunky wrote:

        > connie sturm (Guadaganolo commented: “I was close with the name, what > about a Father Pierce? See your memory still is good, they changed the name > of St. Joe’s, I remember when my parents went there with Father Dennis? My > dad was in charge of the Knights of Columbus bingo in West Mifflin for” >

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Yes, we did indeed have a Donnie Pierce, also remember Margaret Jacko and the one-time butcher’s on Grant Street close to Jacko’s house? Remember how we lost a girl to leukemia, I forget her name, we may have gotten on a bus to visit her before she died at the hospital. Was her name laura? They told us that she was an angel. I’ll never forget how pale she looked like near death. Remember Brenda Zepp? afternoon naps and chocolate milk? Cafeteria when they checked out your tray to see if you ate all of your food?

      • Stephen Vajs says:

        Connie, I really can’t answer your questions because I stayed in public school – Grant, Edison, WM North. BUT, I am delighted to see where you went to. I suppose you heard about the 50-year reunion that Mary Petrozza Cortazzo is organizing for this September. Wishing you well. I thought of you the last time I was going down Grant Ave and passed your father’s old shop.

      • Lou Andriko says:

        Yes, hadn’t thought of any of that lately, but do remember it all now. Mom worked the cafeteria, so the tray check was mandatory on her shifts.

    • Deborah Messer says:

      I went to St Joseph 1st grade nun was sister jerome…she slapped some with the ruler..3rd grade was mrs. clay…yes father Bernarding was the priest…1957 communion for me…deborah rossner

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        I remember Sister Mary Alice that Louie mentioned too, but was she replaced by Sister Jerome? I remember Sister Jerome for 7th grade at St. Jos.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Come to think of it, I had my first communion in 1958-59, but if you made your first communion in 1957 then you were older than me, right? Nuns and priests were coming and going often at St. Joe’s, I think Father Pietre was partially bald and had fuzzies for hair, right? Was he the assistant priest for you too? He also was soft-spoken, right? Sister Mary Alice was young-looking and real nice, at least to me. Maybe you know my brother Sal, Sister Jerome really liked him.

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Did Sister Jerome replace Sister Mary Alice in first grade or was she replaced by Sister Mary Alice? Let me know

    • Mike Jugan says:

      I was born in1952 and estimate that I was in first grade in 1958. I think my teacher for first grade was Sr. Dorthy Ann and she followed us to the second grade. I know that I had Mrs. Clay for 3rd grade. The assistant priest that taught us altar boys was Fr. Hermann.
      He was great. He, also, took us on outings. No, problems with abuse,

      • connie sturm (Guadaganolo says:

        Did you remember Sister Mary Alice before she left? I don’t remember you. Do you remember me? Didn’t they split our class because it was big? Wasn’t it Father Bernarding who was the priest for our first confession and communion and Father Pietre was the assistant (vicar today) priest?

    • Michael A Novosel says:

      I was born in Duquesne in 1953 and lived on Aurilles Street. I went to St Joseph’s for grades 1-3 before we moved to West Mifflin. I remember my first grade teacher as Sister Milita, 2nd grade as Sister Dorothy and 3rd grade as Miss Vincunas.

      • connie says:

        Those were the days when we learned well from the nuns. No critical race theory only about God and our family. I miss them

      • Christine L Carothers (Monyak) says:

        Michael. I was part of your class. Did you play Joseph in the second grade Christmas play? If so, I played the Blessed Mother. LOL Hope you are well.

      • connie Sturm says:

        Cheryl, did you know Helen and John Sturm? They lived in Duquense and I believed on Wilmot Street or nearby. I married their son Bob Sturm in 1971 and visited Helen my mother-in-law often. My husband died in a car accident in 1978 and I raised three small children for years afterward. I still kept in touch w/Helen and took her to many places when I was able to do it. The Sturms are dead now and all together in heaven and I miss them and hope to see them someday. A lot sure has changed since then but some things like good memories and stuff cabbage don’t change nor should it. Thanks for the memory

      • Walter Unites says:

        I do not reply much to these, but was Tony your brother/cousin? Went to W.M.North & St. Joe for Catechism.

      • William C Lang says:


        My name is Bill Lang. I graduated from West Mifflin North High in 1971. I believe that we were in the same graduating class. My wife and I moved out of Pa in 1980. We now live in north Ga.

  15. Bob Palyo says:

    Wow! An all afternoon walk through memory lane!! My parents, Steve and Ethel Palyo, and sons (Ed, Bob, Dave, Joe) were parishioners, as well as my uncles & aunts (John & Helen, Julius & Mary) and all their children. I graduated from WMN high school in ’72. My brothers and I also attended Holy Trinity School. Any pictures of the old school?
    A great website!!

  16. connie sturm says:

    Hello, yinZ, I went to St.Joseph School and was wondering who the parish priest was in 1956-57 and also who was the first grade nun in 1956? She was so nice but was replaced midway through the school term. I have such fond memories, please help me. I think Father Bernarding did the Holy Communion in 1959, right?

  17. connie sturm says:

    Hello, yina, I went to St.Joseph School and was wondering who the parish priest was in 1956-57 and also who was the first grade nun in 1956? She was so nice but was replaced midway through the school term. I have such fond memories, please help me. I think Father Bernarding did the Holy Communion in 1959, right?

  18. John Qualley says:

    Hi we are restoring a diner in Irwin for the lamp Theatre. We just got some furniture in Connellsville in a closed up restaurant. It turns out it was the wall where is luncheonette counter stools and boots from East land. Do you have any pictures of the Woolworths or the counter that we could use for display purposes with this furniture

  19. Monica Mattis says:

    Hi. My name is Monica Mattis. My mother – Valeria Miklos (blessed to be celebrating her 80th birthday in a fee weeks), lived on South Second Duquesne. The family lived behind Holy Trinity Church and were life long members. We hear many stories of the good ole days in Duquesne and often Mom reminisces about what life was like back then. I’m sure she could share many fond memories.

    Her oldest sister Elizabeth “Betty” Miklos used to operate a Beauty Shop at their home.
    Would love to hear stories of anyone whose mother or “Bubba” went to get there hair done at Betty’s or have stories to share of the Miklos’ from Second Street.

    • Gene Bujdos says:

      MONICA, I went to Holy Trinity School and Duquesne High with your mom. Those of us who graduated from DHS in 1957 are all lucky to still be looking down at the grass at age 80. Tell Valera I said, “Happy Birthday.” Gene Bujdos

      • Monica Mattis says:

        Hi Gene. Mom says “Hello” and “Happy Birthday” to you as well since you share the same birthday. She always mentions you and others when she talks about DHS. Hope you are well.

      • mary ann schulte mcgraw says:

        went to holy trinity and married by Father Bernarding grad from DHS 1958

    • Donna Colella says:

      My Aunt Linda Colella went faithfully weekly to Betty’s and I think my Aunt Lilly and Aunt Jean went there also!

      • Eva Yokimcus says:




      • Monica Mattis says:

        Hi Eva. Thanks for the post. Mom wants to know if you know her sister, Charlotte Miklos? Charlotte attended Duquesne High School?

  20. Regis Francis “Frank” Cmar says:

    My Father’s name is Frank Cmar. He grew up in Duquesne in the 30’s and 40’s, went to WWII, and settled in Honestead/Munhall after he came back. As a child and into high school, he lived on 1st St then Maryland Ave. He worked in the Duquesne Mill into the early 80’s. If anyone has memories to share of him in Duquesne, I would greatly greatly appreciate hearing about them, or have them posted here. Thank you.

    • Regis Francis “Frank” Cmar says:

      His nickname, which he may be better known by, was “Babe”, because he was a very big man . Frank ”Babe” Cmar…

    • Tom Magdic says:

      I worked at USS during the summer’s between late 60s and early 70s. I worked in the electric furnace dept where Babe worked. His job title was 1st moldman. I think he may have done some substitute teaching. Was a teacher but opted to work in mill

      • Regis F Cmar says:

        Hello Tom:

        Thanks for replying and remembering Dad…

        He was employed at the Duquesne Works for 36 years, from 1947 after his service in WWII, to 1983…He always appreciated the good union job he had…He went to school part time on the GI Bill and graduated from Pitt in 1961, and looked at his options…

        At that time he decided to try law school for a year, while working at the mill, and in the end he chose substitute teaching as a way to augment income during the dayshift when we worked nights at the mill…He worked hard for his living and always put family first, and valued education for his family and himself above many things…

        2 years ago I was able to get our family story, including that of some of the Cmars in Duquesne, posted in a Post Gazette blog…The internet link is ..


        This is also another Duquesne related story in that blog at …


        That link talks about other families, the Terza family and the Shaughnessy family..

        Again, thanks Tom,

        Regis Francis (Frank) Cmar

  21. Jodi L Beggarly says:

    To Mr Mastrionni asking g about the football picture .. whose uncle was Sam Salvucci .. the young man holding the football was my father DeWayne Wabrick and the older gentleman back right was my grandfather John Wabrick who owned Wabrick awnings in Duquesne.

  22. Jim Hagan says:

    I’m a ups driver who delivered in duquesne for
    15 years nicest people I have ever met had friends
    From Crawford ave to Herman ave
    To name a few
    Tom Lovre, Leonard Stacey, bill yunn, ebbie mahone
    Leo zabelski, Jackie Jones, police officer and fireman
    Ralph Lemak, Matt Gallagher, bill Gallagher,
    Mary Yarnall, Bernie Marino, as a police officer and
    fireman, his uncle or dad Fire Chief Marino
    Gary and Paul schink, nick and mitse philpovich
    How about butlers pharmacy top of grant Dr Botkin
    on grant, Ted the mailman on Monterey St
    Had my lunch at Irene’s coffee shop. Dom Toretti of
    Doms TV, Duquesne had a full time fire dept back
    then had lunch there many times. Remember
    Ziegler Lumber, Sally’s fashions, Rosenweigs and
    Gross furniture, pasterniks beer dist, Jim pucci
    Justice of the peace, Mel’s achzehns auto parts
    Frank Kopriver mayor,

  23. Jim Hagan says:

    My name is Jim Hagan I was not from Duquesne but I was the UPS delivery
    there for 14 years from 1975 till 1989. and have alot memories from those
    years please contact me through my
    e-mail pappyfdrs6@aol.com

  24. Debbie (Palchak) Weber says:

    I stumbled upon your blog while researching my ancestry. My Grandfather was Joseph Palchak of Palchaks’ Drug Store. My dad was “Speed” Joseph Palchak Jr. I can remember playing in the store behind the counter growing up. Looking for any stories anyone may have about my family.

    • Dave Forgash DHS 62 says:

      Your grandfathers hobby was hypnotism. I was a sophomore football player for DHS in the 1959 season. We had a football banquet at Paule’s Look Out. For some reason your grandfather was seated at our table and during the dinner he started his hypnotism routine. Whoever was siting with us I do not recall, but as he went on, I played along as I thought that was the thing to do (the others did not) and then with my eyes closed I was suddenly “hypnotized”. So your grand father and I became the entertainment for the evening. I never opened my eyes and he put me me through the paces of Identifying people by the way they walked, he asked questions about teachers and I responded with some made up responses that were really funny and then he had me do my impression of coach Donelli which included hitching up his pants running his hands down his face in frustration and running up and down the sidelines and shouting out commands. I could here the other players and coaches roaring with laughter as I continued to be “hypnotized”. Mr Palchack finalized the usual hypnotism routine by having me sit down and said I would not remember anything after he either counted to three or snapped his fingers ( or something like that). He snapped me out of the hypnotism and I said what’s for dessert and went on like nothing ever happened. To say the least it made for an interesting and amusing evening. Your grandfather and I never again spoke about the time I was “hypnotized” and I have not thought about the experience for many years until I read your post. I promise this is all a true story about your grandfather.

      • Debbie (Palchak) Weber says:

        Thanks so very much for sharing! I do remember my Grandfather hypnotizing us or trying to as kids. When ever we would visit it was something we would do. As I recall he would always use something shiny like his watch or a coin. Usually one of the coins we as kids would find in the store under the ice cream case behind the counter.

    • Jane says:

      My Dad used to go to Palchak’s for his scripts
      And I did too; he would take me along. I remember it as a Family atmosphere there!

    • Jerry Blasko says:

      My grandparents lived on Clonmel Street above the football field.
      One of my fondest memories of staying with them was walking down the hill to Palchak’s drug store where we would feast on as much candy as we could get for a quarter.
      Great memories!

    • mary palchak says:

      HI Debbie
      It’s your long-lost cousin Mary Palchak (California)
      Just watched a documentary which led me to do some internet research which led me here! I remember Papap’s drug store too, and family Thanksgivings etc. Twirling on the bar stools of the soda fountain and feeling like the luckiest person in the world to have a root beer float served by Papap!
      Hope you are well.

    • Linda (Selznick) Colavincenzo says:

      I grew up in Duquesne Place. My family lived on Miller Avenue. We moved to West Mifflin when I was 10 years old. I remember Palchak’s with fond memories. Back years ago, I walked to Palchak’s probably on a daily basis even though I was a youngster. Everyone knew everyone.

  25. Ron Kasprisin says:

    an old Cleveland boy here, Croatian mom and Slovak dad; and used Jim’s easter cheese ball recipe for my self and sent to my daughter in Portland OR as is the same as my mother’s recipe that I had misplaced. thanks, ron kasprisin, Whidbey island WA

  26. Pat Boyer says:

    I worked title 1 on weekends and Summer school when I was in high school and college for Eddie. He was a great guy. Great memories.

    • Dave Forgash says:

      Pat, thanks for kind words about Uncle Ed. If you are in Florida near Lakewood Ranch, let me know @ CO2GURU@AOL.COM
      Uncle Eddie worked hard on Title 1 as you must know. He is 89, in assisted living near Baltimore being looked after by his daughter. He has lots of great stories and anecdotes about Duquesne. Like many of the teachers we had in Duquesne, when questioned as to why they stayed he gave the same answer as many others we have heard from on this blog. Duquesne is home, I love this town and the people in it.

      • Jane says:

        I reread this stuff and began to wonder if THAT was the reason my Dad went to the Drug Store! Not only for prescriptions BUT to discuss the hypnosis 🤔 thing!!?
        We stopped there a lot on Sundays on our way to or from church!!!!
        We are in Deerfield Beach Fla. And think u r far from us…???

      • Dave Forgash says:

        You are in Deerfield Beach on the East Coast, I am in Lakewood Ranch FL on the West Coast right between Sarasota and Manatee counties just of I 75, about 220 miles 31/2 to 4 hours.


    • Dave Forgash DHS “62” says:

      Pat, Ed Sudzina passed away April 19, 2018 at age 91.

  27. Dear Terry B.B.
    Thanks for writing. My aunt, Veronica Bujdos, now 94, is living in Indiana, PA with her son Joe, and his family. My uncle, Joe Bujdos Sr., was a pretty good pitcher for the Duquesne Zemps semei-pro baseball team in the McKeesport Daily News League in the 1940s and 50s. “Young” Joe, has run in and completed EVERY Pittsburgh Marathon so far. His wife, Mary Jean is also a marathon runner and so are their kids. Their youngest daughter, Lucy, now plays basketball for St. Vincent’s College. Gene Bujdos

  28. Raymond Isadore says:

    I went to Duquesne High School with Marty Sudzina

  29. Jane says:

    One of my friends said she emailed Jim and he responded warmly….a GREAT GUY! Another friend of mine (from WMNH) also responded with a positive statement.


    • Dave Forgash says:

      Janie, (as I remember you)
      Ok let me try one more time as I get the James Ragan Bio to come up on this site, guess I made a mistake on the site ID the first time.


      If the site does not work just try google.

      • You can access Jim Ragan video on youtube by typing “flowers and roots” and clicking on photo of Jim. Marlene Prosnik

      • I got to see and hear all about Jim. What a GREAT VIDEO! It says a lot about Jim. He STILL looks and sounds like I remember him! Seems like he is still in the game (of life and business)!
        Thanks for getting this to me. Will share with some of my Duquesne/West Mifflin North classmates I keep in touch with……

      • Cliff Warner says:

        I lived across the street from the Ragan family on Goldstrom Lane thru the 50’s.  Had the pleasure of having brunch with Jim and his brother Tom over the recent Christmas holiday week. Brought back memories of my family and I visiting his family during Christmas week many years ago.  The trays of delicious homemade cookies and goodies just as he described in his videos. Such warmth and hospitality. I’m so glad he was able to document his rich  heritage in such a wonderful fashion.     And , oh by the way, he grabbed the check LOL!

  31. Dave Forgash says:

    For those in the Pittsburgh Area,
    The James Ragan bio will be on
    WQED in April or May.

  32. Dave Forgash says:

    James Ragan Duquesne’s Ambassador to the World. Those of us who know Jim will appreciate this. Those of us who appreciate our traditions and memories of Duquesne will appreciate this.
    Long (57 minutes, watch to the end) but well worth it to understand this modest man and his impact on many people around the World.
    Jim’s journey which is not yet complete can be seen and heard on:

    https://vod02.nvcc.edu/Watch/Flowers and Roots

    • Jim says:

      I was unable to open the link that you sent with your comment, but I was able to find the video on YouTube. So, if any is unable to open the link you sent, the should be able to access the video at: ! – Jim Volk

  33. Ron yokimcus says:

    So cool reading about the city of Duquesne in old days . my family was born and raised there and also worked at Duquesne works and national tube in McKeesport. Thanks for the info!

    • Jim says:

      Ron, are you any relation for a “Stan Yokimcus?”

      • Ron yokimcus says:

        Yes that’s my great uncle!

      • Ron yokimcus says:

        That’s my great uncle!

      • Ron yokimcus says:

        That’s my great uncle! Howd that name come up?

      • Jim says:

        Stan worked with my dad at his garage in Duquesne for years. It was Volk’s Sales and Service on First Street across from Holy Name Church. Stan was like a big, loving uncle to my brother and I. I’ve never forgotten how much he meant to us.

      • Ron yokimcus says:

        Wow that’s amazing. My family had quite a few ties to Duquesne being there were so many siblings. Its just a shame that more and more are not with us anymore. I’ll have to pass this along to my grandfather this weekend I’m sure he will remember volks garage and uncle Stan working there.

      • Mark Zupan says:

        Ron, did you work at the Amoco station on Lysle Blvd. at Evans way back about ’77 or ’78?

      • ron yokimcus says:

        that wasnt me, although coulda been my dad that worked there back then

  34. Barbara Wice says:

    Just found out that my maternal side of my family was born and raised in Duquesne. How do I find out if I still have any family there that didn’t move to Michigan. Or if there is any documents or any thing or anywhere I can find information. My grand father’s lname was Stephen Kastura. His parents were Anna (Baranyi) and Laszlo Kastura. They came over from Hugary by way of Hamburg Germany in 1928(?).

  35. Donald Kovac says:

    My father of the same name also born and raised in Duquesne Pa. Near Kennywood. All the ethnic foods mentioned i also grew up on. Had an uncle who we called kapusta because he made homemade sourkrout (spelling phonetic) anyway growing up hunky was definitely different especially when your fond of Italian women.

    • Gene Bujdos says:

      Are you related to the late Bernie Kovac, who went to HOLY TRINITY grade school, graduated from DHS in 1956 and married Doreen Farcas?

  36. It is AMAZING what wearing a STEELER’S BALL CAP CAN DO FOR YOU! My husband wore his cap to a concert at SUNFEST and the gentleman nearby started a conversation with us: he graduated from DHS in ’60; last name Marek….we are EVERYWHERE!!!!

  37. Alan G. Hartman says:

    Gene Bujdos, Yes the gentleman you mentioned is my uncle’s brother Michael Pundzak, Jr. He was affectionally know as “Uncle Nick” because, as a Pharmacist and having some money, he was always lavish with his Christmas gifts to every one. He contracted Polio in his early 20s I believe and always had that limp for the rest of his life. The store on South Second Street was always one which was more for the ethnic community of the area. Names like Balta, Miklos and Gajdos were often spoken in our family. It is a sorry sight to see when I last was in town and saw that the only structure remaining in the whole block is the one on the corner of Viola and So. Second by the old USS parking lot. I was born in 1954 and graduated from West Mifflin South in 1972. Being the youngest I was not privy to most of the more detailed history of our families. Duquesne Cut Rate was well burned in my memory because my mother worked at the store every Sunday and we typically spent time with her mother and father at the store on that day. No, sadly, I do not know what a “huckster” is. I AM familiar with Huckster’s Bar and the awesome fish sandwiches we often got. I have several pictures of the store and may get them up here shortly. I have many of them on my Facebook page lf you wnat to look me up there==Alan Hartman.

    • Alan Belancik says:

      Alan…The thought of “Pundzak’s Drugstore” brings back great memories for me. We’d visit my Baba every Sunday on Ash Alley. Baba would say “I give you dime” and give each of us money for candy. We’d walk to Viola, turn right and go down to S. Second. Man, ten cents would buy a lot of candy back then! Your uncle was always nice to us. Those dimes must have added up for our Grandmother. Cheers, Alan Belancik… but in Duquesne Place, we’d go to Palchak’s for candy.

      • eva r yokimcus says:


    • Gene Bujdos says:


      A “huckster” was a man who sold fruits and vegetables off a truck in your neighborhood. They also sold their produce to local “mom and pop” grocery stores. That’s what my dad did during W W II. The HUCKSTERS BAR in Duquesne was operated by Nick and Philip Philopovich. Nick is married to a DHS classmate (class of1957) of mine, Mitzi Baskot. The regular neighborhood huckster disappeared from your street when the many grocery stores in Duquesne – and everywhere else — were replaced by supermarkets. That was in the ’50s.
      So after the war my dad and his brothers went into the wholesale produce business, in Braddock. They bought the business and the name ANDOLINA Produce because it is a lot easier to pronounce than Bujdos Brothers. They sold produce to the stores in Duquesne, Braddock, Rankin, East Pittsburgh, Homestead and Whitaker before the chain stores moved into the area. Kennywood Park was a customer for a few years.

      • Jack says:

        We grew up a few blocks from Huckster’s. My dad would bring back fish sandwiches from there every Friday…best ever.

      • Terry B. B. says:

        Hucksters bar was operated by my late dad Dushan (Duddy) Baskot and his brother-in-law Nick Pilipovich for many years. They were also Huckster’s together before that. Nick married Duddy’s sister Mitzie. Best fish and breaded mushrooms – all done by hand and fresh all the time. Dad is long gone, but my aunt and uncle are still in the Pittsburgh area. Joe Bujdos and his wife Veronica were dear friends of ours, I went to school with their son as well. All proud native Duquesne people.

      • Terry,
        I knew Nicky and Duddy well…my family (yarosik) lived over Huckster’s for a number of years. We attended the wedding of Nicky and Mitzi at st. Sava’s dancing a mean kola! We lived there when Nicky was born. The hot sausage sandwiches and burgers were my favorites. Both guys were really nice.

        Marlene Yarosik Prosnik

  38. I goggled my Uncle George Rusnak, who was a Military Policeman in the WWII, and my grandmother’s name Mary Petrunyak came up along with my grandfather Michael Rusnak. My baba, Mary P. Rusnak passed at age 93 and my zedu, Michael Rusnak passed 1951. Michael and Mary Rusnak had 7 living children. My mother was the 2nd born, Elizabeth Rusnak Mihalic, Michael Rusnak had a brother Andrew Founder of 1st Federal Bank in Homestead, PA. We all lived in Muhall, since most of the family worked at U.S.Steel In homestead. My father, Joseph Mihalic, grew up in Rankin on Fleet Street. You have some wonderful memories, of Kennywood and Jim’s Hot dog in Duquesne, we had wonder days growing up. American is very different at present.

    Karen Miller says:
    January 1, 2014 at 9:17 am
    Eleanor, my great Aunt married a Mike Rusnak, her name was Mary Petrunyak. I have a wedding picture of them from the early 1900’s. Could they be relatives of your?

  39. Dave Forgash "62" says:

    Hang onto your flag, you may have a real collectors item. There was never an official 39 star flag. Had something to do with the admittance of the Dakotas and Montana into the United States and the Flagmaker kind of jumped the gun and started producing flags with 39 stars. Check out eBay and Wikipedia for more information regarding your question about the 39 Star Flag.
    Walt Weir aka (WA-WAWeir) graduated in 1961. I believe
    Rita ( Greer) is his sister. Walt was a tackle on the 1960 football team. His father , Walter SR had an illustrious career in law enforcement including police chief in Duquesne for several terms. Wa-Wa drove a 56 Chey and easily passed for being 21 in Homestead or Munhall. He was to well known in Duquesne being the chief’s son and on the football team. Most of you will know why he had to pass for 21 and it was good to be a friend of his on the football team.
    I have a 3 x 5 Nylon 50 star flag that was flown over the US Capitol. During the Reagan Presidency. (For a Campaign Donation) I thought this was a big deal until I found out there are flag poles of a smaller size on the Capitol roof where members of Congress can request that flags be flown for their constituents and other groups and the flag is authenticated as officially flown over the capital. US government flies about 100,000 flags per year over the Capitol. My flag was made in America by Annin & Co in Verona, New Jersey

    • stanbel says:

      I worked on Capitol Hill and at the White House for a number of years and yes many flags are flown that are later presented as gifts. They go up the pole, hesitate briefly then lowered and placed back in the box.

  40. stanbel says:

    I have a U.S. flag of the type used to wave during parades or to mark graves of vets. The flag has 39 stars and appears to be made of a linen type material. The stick that was attached to it had the name WEIR penned on it. I found in the attic of my dad’s garage on Dell St. I knew a Rita Weir my one and only year (61-62) at DHS. The flag is framed now. I’ve curious about its origins since I found it years ago,

  41. david heaps says:

    any body named HEAPS?

  42. Hey Mary Ann,
    I see you are married to a Seese. That wouldn’t happen to be Bob Seese would it?

  43. Timothy says:

    Please follow the link.

  44. John Zygmont Jr says:

    Hey Everyone,

    Although I live outside of Philly, my mother Sandy (Kinneer) Zygmont is from Duquesne. My grandparents lived up on the hill on N 2nd Street. My grandmother was a Novosel and my Great-Grandfather owned a beer garden in town and was one of the guys who built the Duquesne Croatian Club. I still come back to take my boys to Jim’s to get a hot dog and a milk shake when we come to visit and have taken them to Kennywood when I can. I still have a lot of memories of walking to my Great aunt’s and uncle’s houses with my grandfather. I hope at some point things will turn around!

  45. Kristen Forsthoffer says:

    I am your niece and your brother George is my Dad! Love Kris Forsthoffer 🙂

  46. Joseph F. Forsthoffer says:

    I am Joe Forsthoffer am 86 years old; born & raised in Duquesne; graduated DHS 1945 –
    worked in the steel mills as a “junior commando” during WWII. I lived on “Polish Hill” Joined
    the U, S , Marine Corpds in January 1946 and served until Oct 31 1966. Worked for the FAA
    until end of 1988; married Elaine Sheba 1959. I am a true “Hunky” through and through father and mother from Hungary, therefore I am first generation born – loved pickled pigs
    feet (kotsanag??), chicken papriska, stuffed cabbage rolls.,you name

    • Jim says:

      Hi Joe! Welcome home!

      • eva r yokimcus says:


    • Gene Bujdos says:

      Did your wife live at 300 South 4th Street and did her father drive a green Chevy? If so, my family lived two doors up the street — at 304 South Fourth.

      • Stephanie Forsthoffer-Mabelitini says:

        Hi Gene-

        Yes, my mom did live on 300 South Fourth Street and her dad did drive a green Chevy. She does remember you and your family.

        I’m responding to you since my dad passed away in August of this year.srf

    • Pam says:

      Did you know the Sudzina or Pacacha families?

      • Dave Forgash says:

        My mother was a Sudzina (Elizabeth), uncle Ed Sudzina is living at 89 in assisted living, bad knees, still a sharp mind.
        Uncle George Sudzina married Regina Pacacha.
        I knew Ed Pacacha well, used to go hunting together.
        Ed Pacacha became a pretty good self taught magician and card trick entertainer.
        I know there were nine in Sudzina Family and I think 11 in the Pacacha family.
        Not up to date on all the children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc

  47. Sandi Tovlin Kaselonis says:

    Hey Stephen! Thanks for the information. I’ll give it a try. I’d just about given up hope of finding any of the villages my grandparents came from.

    • Stan Belback says:

      Is this Sondra Tovlin? Class of 65? Haven’t seen or heard of anyone since I left Duquesne in ’61

      • Sandi Tovlin Kaselonis says:

        Yep, the one and only. I’ve been living in the state of Indiana since 1986 and enjoy reading all of these posts. Sure takes you back. Hope you are well.

      • Stan Belback says:

        Doing well, live in Virginia near Colonial Williamsburg. Don’t get to Duquesne often but when I do I enjoy Kennywood still. Kennywood has been rearranged some and the young folks there look at me like I’m nuts when I ask how to get to the PIPPIN! They changed the name! Seems to me you were a cheerleader?

  48. Stephen Vajs says:

    I see Holy Name Church show up in these postings so often that it reminds me of my Boy Scout years at Troop 300 which was at Holy Name. Jim Petrak (who, sadly, died a few years ago) was the scoutmaster. Many of the kids were from HNS or Serra; I went to public school in WM. If I think enough about it, I pull back quite a few names: Dennis Kerrigan, Henry Buczynski, the Werling bros., Adrian and Cory, Frankie Cardamone, Rocky Idaluca, Dennis Sudzina, Norbert and Raymond Terza and their cousin Joe Terza. (Other names are just sitting there deep in memory waiting to bubble up.) One night in the HNS cafeteria downstairs where we met, we were boxing with gloves. Frankie C hit the local fire alarm with his glove and set it off. Old Father Shaughnessy came over from the rectory and threatened to “break his legs” if Frankie ever did that again.

  49. Ron Butcher says:

    I’m in Las Vegas…..I’ve known your grandpa since I was a kid…..great guy.
    His dear friend Ted Bodnar (and wife Louisa) are still in California……on one of his visitsl Ted
    had a party and we all saw each other…….lots of fun.
    You can give him my number: (702) 882-9027

    Ron Butcher

  50. Ron Butcher says:

    Are you Patsy and “Junior” Opalka’s daughter?
    Say HI to dad from Ron Butcher (friend of Teddy Bodnar)
    I’m in Las Vegas (Ronbee702@aol.com)

  51. Amanda Opalko says:

    Anyone friends with my grandfather, Albert Opalko, who’s turning 80 in august. Would love to gather up some old buddies.

    • Ron Butcher says:

      Hi..it’s Ron Butcher. I just wanted you to pass this on to your grandpa (“Jr. Opalko”):
      Teddy Bodnar recently had a heart attack….he survived, but his traveling days are over.
      His wife, Louise, is also suffering from Alzheimers.
      I stayed with them in 1970 when I arrived in California, so they are like “family” to me.
      Please say HI to your grandma and grandpa for me.

      Ron Butcher (702) 882-9027 Las Vegas

    • Bob Young says:

      Yep…I worked with Al in the 90’s, both in New York, Ohio and Guam. We worked for International Technology. I think about him a bit. What a character.

  52. Beth Jackson says:

    My grandmother, Albina Pellegrino (lovingly known as “Beanie”), was (in my eyes) the Queen of Duquesne. She was an extremely active member of the Duquesne Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge & she also belonged to a club called the Hoboes (not sure of its proper name). She always made the most awesome spaghetti, for the Moose’s monthly spaghetti dinners!. Grandma Beanie was also a very avid bingo player, who had rows & rows of treasure trolls for good luck. Growing up, we frequently visited my grandparents’ home on Sherman Ave. Oh, such fond memories there. My grandfather, William Pellegrino, worked in the steel mill (USS Steel) & one of the fondest memories I have is of myself & my siblings packed into my Grandma’s station wagon, parked, waiting on Grandpap to walk across the elevated walkway, after work. We would be so excited when he came strolling across. Another fond memory is when Grandpap would take us to Isaly’s. He, of course, would drink coffee & shoot the breeze with his pals. But us kids would get ice cream, and that was always a welcomed treat! The ironic thing is that I, now, work in the very same spot that my Grandpap worked (as you know, it’s no longer a steel mill back here, though)! Lots of fond memories in Duquesne!

  53. Krista says:

    I have an old photo taken outside the Duquesne mill at the turn if the century and I would love your help finding out who the VIPs in the picture are. My greatgrandfather who was an orderly in the hospital is in the picture so it is a family heirloom but the story has been lost. Some say it might be the king of Belgium. May I email it to you with more detail? Perhaps you can refer me to some historians or archivists.


    Krista Ruhe

  54. Sandi Tovlin Kaselonis says:

    Cheryl, Loved hearing from you. My parents also lived on Wilmot St when they were first married. My husband and I lived in West Mifflin (Highland Ave) when we got married, and then moved to North Huntingdon in 1973 until 1986 when we moved to the state of Indiana. My cousins, Mike and Dave Durkota went to West Mifflin North. What coincidences!

    Merry Christmas! Sandi Tovlin Kaselonis

    • Mark Frank says:

      Sandi: Found this post from 2013. Looking for a Dave Durkota that went to IUP. He was a member of the orienteering club while there. Not sure if your cousin mentioned in your post is the same. If so would like to reconnect with him. I was a member from ’74 to ’78 and am having a reunion of all years at IUP in June 2018. He could contact me at orienteer7 at aol dot com. Mark

  55. Russell Clanagan says:

    Hi Gloria, so nice too hear from you. Please give
    Eddie my best. He was a very good friend and mentor.
    Give me a call when you have time. We just moved from Tucson to
    Dallas where I have 2 daughters and 6 grands.
    Russell Clanagan

  56. Alan Belancik says:

    This one’s for Ernie……

    I think I remember you although I graduated from High School in 1969. Didn’t you hang out with one or more of the Racan brothers on Overland?? There was Jimmy, the oldest, then Joey, then Richie. The sisters were Shirley, Carol and Linda.
    I don’t remember Bob Madar, but do remember Barb Madar (DHS ’71). Are they siblings?

    For Ralph DeRose…didn’t you have a Pizza Shop on the corner of Fifth and Viola(?) Priscilla(?). I think David Holko worked for you. Names from Holy Trinity parish!!

    for Tina Estochin…I remember when your folks would play guitar and sing for us at Holy Trinity School. Thank them for me if they’re still with us.

    for Dianne Kasten…. I went to Serra with Paul. Rode the school bus together., Ask him about Tony, the Bus Driver.

    That’s all for now…..back to my New Hampshire yardwork.


    Alan Belancik

  57. Russell Clanagan says:

    Hey Red, I have very fond memories of those football games in the Connolly”s yard. I remember your Dad (I think he always had a cigarette cupped in his hand), he always had a kind word of encouragement. He was quite, but a very gentle person. I am sure that you forgot to add that I was the leading receiver on our ’65 football team (NOT)? Love you Red.

    • Gloria Wasko Ripper says:

      Russell– I just found this site & when I saw your name I had to say HI. I’m Ed & Al Basista’s niece Gloria. Al has passed many years ago, but Ed is now 83 & living in Ligonier, Pa. He has a hard time getting around, but I can’t wait to call him and let him know that you are retired and living inTX. Ed was staying here in Fl during the winter months until my Mom died 4 yrs ago. My husband & I go to Pgh every summer & just got back to Florida 2 days ago. My last name prior to marriage was Wasko. Do you remember me, Ed, or Al. Take care.

      • Marlene Prosnik says:

        George (Prosnik) and I (Marlene Yarosik) are your classmates. We’ve been enjoying this website since I stumbled onto it looking for a pagach recipe! We have lived in VA since ’84, have two grown sons w/2 granddaughters and a grandson on the way. Both of us are retired. You lived on Viola nr the jr. hi, if I recall correctly catty corner from the Neslaniks.

      • Karen Miller says:

        Gloria, my mom was best friends with a Susie Wasko. She lived somewhere near Oak or Chestnut Streets My Mom was born in 1922, her maiden name was Petrunyak. I grew up hearing about Susie. They would hang out in there neighborhood, Susie would play guitar and my Mom would sing. I have a picture of them together somewhere in my archives. Was Susie related to you?

  58. ernie ferency says:

    Wow! I get to post a note here before I die! LOL! I grew up in Duquesne. Lived at 411 Viola Ave. Went to Holy Name 1st-8th. Was one of the original Duquesne Mighty Mites team started by Mr Connolly (sp). Me, John, Joe, and David, among others, all played football in the yard until the team was started in 1956, I believe. We didn’t win a game for 2 years! But it was fun.

    I remember “Release” we all played on 6th street at night. Touch football at Eastland parking lot at night, and endless Summer nights at Kennywood.

    Graduated from DHS in 1965. Played football with Bob Madar, Stevie Edwards, Jackie Jones, Tret Lemak, Frank Kopriver, and many , many others. In fact, we had a pretty good team.

    If anyone remembers me, please feel free to respond.


    Thanks for your sweet comment. I recall your mom’s name and believe that I delivered grocery orders to her home.

  60. Raymond Isadore says:

    Hi Cindy–good to hear from you. now living in North Hills of Pittsburgh.

    • Dave Adam says:

      Hi Raymond,
      Are you the same Ray Isadore who hung out with Lloyd Seager in Duquesne? My name is Dave Adam and attended the same Lutheran church as Lloyd at 4th and Kennedy. I think you may have even attended some of our church events.

  61. Marlene Yarosik Prosnik says:

    I remember your brother, Roy, a classmate of mine (’64). Tell him George Prosnik and Marlene Yarosik Prosnik said “hi”.

  62. Russell Clanagan says:

    Dave, did you play the drums and live on N.5th street, near Hamilton Ave. My brother Roy class of 64 and I lived behind Gallagher’s drug store on 5th street. I just moved to Dallas and Roy retired from the mill and lives in near Casa Grande AZ,
    Russell Clanagan

    • Dave Forgash says:

      I remember the Clanahans and where you lived I lived on Grant Ave
      exactly between 4th and 5th in the apartment behind the dry cleaners which is now Capristos Barber Shop.
      I did not play the drums, that was George Suranovich who was a very talented drummer and unfortunately
      died way too young his Dad had a barber shop on Hamilton near 3rd Street.
      We did play touch football on 5th and tackle in the “Hollow”as did many of the kids in the neighborhood. When it rained we played photo elecectric football indoors.
      The Jaskulski brothers who drove a 56 Ford with a continental wheel were DHS footbal players who lived on 5th as did the Lalich family. Hoppy Lalich a former policeman went on to be the Postmaster in Duquesne.
      Also need to remind all that
      Matt Gallaher and then Bill provided
      a pint of ice cream to members of both football teams after DHS home games.

      • Janet Carter DHS '66 says:

        You bring up names out of my chldhood, Dave. Hoppy Lalich was a great friend of my Uncle Lou’s and the Capristo’s were neighbors in Duquesne Place. I also think I met you years ago at a picnic in Pittsburgh.

      • Janet Carter DHS '66 says:

        Not sure what happened to my original post! Sorry if I repeat myself. You mention names from my childhood Dave, like Hoppy Lalich and the Capristo family. Hoppy was a good friend of my uncle Lou Obradovich and the Capristos were neighbors in Duquesne Place. I also think I met you years ago at an Eljer company picnic in Pittsburgh.

  63. Dave Forgash DHS '62 says:

    Stephanie K says:
    August 26, 2013 at 12:01 am
    Hi David, I a looking for a Forgash family that might have been in the area, 1922 or so. I have a wedding picture with my grandparents, Michael & Anna Kuzma, (2nd wife) with Mrs Forgash who was godmother to their son Michael, born around 1925 or so. Michael had a Saloon & 3storKuzma Hotel on 4th Ave. & Dickson Street down in the Ward, under the Homestead High Level Bridge. Does any of this sound familiar. I have her picture in a file somewhere, she dressed beautifully.

    Stephanie K,
    My father’s parents, John and Suzanna Forgash both born in Czechoslovakia, came to the USA in 1902, migrated to Loagansport Pa and then to Hopkins Street in the 10th ward in McKeesport around 1918-19 where they lived the remainder of their lives. The home on Hopkins Street is now torn down. They attended the Lutheran Church. Both Grandparents died before I was born. Grandfather John Forgash born 1879, died 1941 @ 62, Grandmother Suzanna born 1883, died 1940 @ 57. They had nine children. Three girls and six boys. The Forgash girls would have been toddlers and not married at the time of the christening. My mother would have also been too young to be a Godmother. All have passed on. So the date the date you give of 1922 would have made my grandmother Suzanna around 39-40 years of age at that time of the wedding picture you mention.
    Dave Forgash

    • Stephanie K says:

      Thank you Dave. Did your Grandma wear Hats? This lady was a looker. Did she have any connection wth anyone Forgash from New York? The name was Sue Forgash, but don’t know if that was her maiden name or married. Everyone is dead that I could ask, but My uncle’s wife, & she is 91 & blind w/cataracts. Just a coincidence, I must look up the picture. When I find it, may post it. Have a great week.

      • Dave Forgash DHS '62 says:

        Grandma was a looker, but I never saw any pictures of her wearing a hat.
        On rechecking checking the family birth dates Aunt Sue Forgash (the first born child of nine) was born 1907 and would have been in McKeepsort in 1922-25 time frame you refer to. She married in in 1928.
        Several other possibly interesting notes. I reviewed my Grandfathers naturalization papers and he came to this country from Austria-Hungary with the spelling of the last name Forgac. When it was changed to Forgash I do not know. Best guess is around 1919. I know of no connection to New York, BUT, when you mention New York I have found several Jewish families with the spelling Forgash. In my business travels I would check the phone books and have seen other families around the USA spell it Forgach or a variation. After all these years you and I know it is difficult to know who was related to whom, when, where, and how.
        The chaotic war torn history of the Czechoslovakian region is interesting historical reading and leads me to believe that many ethnic groups (Czech, Slovak, Poles, Russian, German, and Ukrainians) of different religions left that war torn, politically unstable region to seek refuge in the USA. I am thankful my ancestors and those of other families had the courage and found a way to relocate to the USA.

    • Pam Dooley says:

      Hi Dave,
      I’m Mike Forgash’s daughter. Who was your dad?
      Pam Forgash

  64. Joseph J Kulha says:

    The Billick’s that I wrote about were Margeret Peck, Mary Shapko, Andy, Danny,
    Mike for some reason I believe that one of the boys owned a grocery store in Swissvile so it is
    possible that he may have lived on route 837 in Rankin. The only Cecilia that was relate me was Cecilia Rago who married a Joe Hlad.

    • Stephanie K says:

      Thanks, Joe. The family had John, Dorothy, Michael, Steve, Joseph, Albert & Mary. But sounds like a diffferent family, Since John Married Cecilia Kuzma. From the Ward under the Hmstd bridge. Who knows, someone may see this & respond. Have a great week. How do I change the frownie face for another icon???? I am never “frownie”!!!

    • JEANINE GAMBLE says:

      Interested in knowing more about the Billicks. Mary Billicks Shapko was my great grandmother.

      • Joseph J Kulha says:

        I just finished putting a history of all 3 Billiks in Duquesne you are welcome to have it also
        A Richard Shapko of Elyria Ohio has a lot of Mary Shapko information he sent it to me
        About 10 years ago I think is son Joe had a lot of posts on Facebook you can Email at
        JKulha@aol.com mark it Billick Shapko

  65. Joseph J Kulha says:

    Hi Joe Kulha Class of 1956 do any of you readers know a Banosky Family they would be related to me last know location they are living below the tracks 1920 census after can’t find them no where
    didn’t reliaze there were so many Hunkies in Duquesne just didn’i seem to be of any importance when your young but when you get involuved in genealogy there are a lot of them.

    • Dave Forgash says:

      Do you mean the Bonosky family?
      Check the spelling. Phillip Bonosky grew up in Duquesne and wrote
      “Burning Valley” (1953) which is a novel based on his time working in the mill before the depression. He was the child of Lithuanian parents
      who probably lived in the hollow (most likely Oliver Hollow) before the man made flood (due to poor drainage) ruined the neighborhood and was never rebuilt and filled in with more slag. Nick Lee was the name of the playground in the hollow, around 1915, but how playground got the name is still a mystery.
      Phillip became an devout communist before and during the Joe MacCarthy era of 1953 when his novel was published, which as we know was not a popular time to be an open communist. He wrote several other books that also gained him constant scrutiny by the US Government
      Just my opinion that his philosophy was formed at a time when he and his father experienced low steel worker wages and safety regulations non existant resulting in many daily injuries and work related deaths. Which led to sometimes deadly battles between the workers and the
      “company” coal and steel police like the Homested massacare.
      He ended up in New York where he died a few years ago.
      If this is the family you are looking for you might have some luck searching the web.

      • Stephanie K says:

        Hi David, I a looking for a Forgash familythat might have been in the area, 1922 or so. I have a wedding picture with my grandparents, Michael & Anna Kuzma, (2nd wife) with Mrs Forgash who was godmother to their son Michael, born around 1925 or so. Michael had a Saloon & 3story Kuzma Hotel on 4th Ave. & Dickson Street down in the Ward, under the Homestead High Level Bridge. Does any of this sound familiar. I have her picture in a file somewhere, she dressed beautifully.

    • Lori Black Conley says:

      Hi-My mom graduated in 1956-Her name is Mary Jane Cardamone. Did you know her? Her and my dad live in Elizabeth Twp.

    • Gene Bujdos says:

      HI JOE,
      I had relatives who lived across Monterey Street from you — the Doboses. I was one year after you at Holy Trinity and DHS. I remember some of your classmates: Richard Steffy, Donald Horvath, Mike Schaughnessy, Tom Fabian, Bernie Kovac, and I lived across the street from Eileen Bock. Take care.

  66. Russell Clanagan says:

    Hello Sandi and Bee Bee’s grand daughter, I do remember your Beatrice. Hope that everyone is doing well.

    • Carrie St.Myers says:

      My mom is doing fine. I hope all is well with you too. I remember visiting Duquesne as a child and still go back occasionally to visit my uncle in nearby pittsburgh.

  67. Sandi Tovlin Kaselionis says:

    Tell your mom hello for me. I’m Sandi Tovlin Kaselonis–also a graduate of 1965. Also currently living in the state of Indiana.

  68. Amy Corbett says:

    No, my G’ma was a baker… Not a teacher!!

  69. Cathy Sturm says:

    Hey Gary nice to hear from you …are you still in Duquesne? I married a cowboy trucker & moved to Arkansas we live in the boonies …I have cows for neighbors but lately they have been drilling gas wells around here ….all the heavy machinery sounds at night remind me of home 😉 we took a shortcut today & were driving around in bigfoot country I could swear I heard banjo music playing …….it’s nice to hear about the good old days on this page 😉

    • cathy thank you very much for reaching out and getting back, you are a happy person I can tell and truly you are blessed. I am not in the city anymore I am now living in springfield,IL. I like to call it corn country. It is a real pleasure to hear you are well. We spent some days in that dusty place where the heat was plenty and the people where gems, guys like gus, cy cunningham, ironhead, clayton furlong and the whole gang. The past maybe gone but we did have some molten memories for sure.—–“G”

    • Russell Clanagan says:

      Greetings from Ovilla, TX.
      Grew up on Kahler Street, moved to N. Fifth St., in 62, graduated in 65. Retired Penna. State Police in 95. Moved to AZ. to be the Chief of Police in Sells. Retired and moved to Dallas to be full time Pap Pap to 6-grand children.
      Russell Clanagan

      • Carrie St.Myers says:

        Hello,I am Carrie St.Myers from Indiana. My mother grew up in Duquesne on 7th street. Her maiden name is Beatrice Warner. She said she remembers Russel Clanagan. She is not very good with computers so I wanted to say “hello” from her. She graduated from Duquesne High school in 1965.

    • Cliff Warner says:

      Hi Cathy
      Great to know you are doing well. We moved from Zewe Alley to Jefferson Boro. ( Now called Jefferson Hills) in 1980. Children are all grown, we have 5 grandchildren and we are happily retired. Divide our time between home and our cabin near Ligonier. If you are ever back in town please look us up. Would love to hear your laugh once again. We are in the phone book. e-mail cliffordjwarner@yahoo.com

    • Cindy Miner says:

      Hi Cathy, You must be Tom’s sister. He was a great friend in high school. Tell him Cindy Izydore said Hi. Haven’t seen him since 1967.

  70. Jim,
    Sent an email to duquesnehunkey@gmail.com and it did not go through. I just wanted to mention the Smith Familly that lived on Savey St. What a remarkable family they were. Mr and Mrs Smith had (20) children. About 4 or 5 years ago when I visited, I talked to some of the family and discovered that they were American Indian and were involved in American Indian Cultural events. Their lives would be a best seller.
    Also wondered if anyone has information re: Mary Frances Reed or her brother Robert who attended Annapolis, Joanie Yurich – interested in becoming a speech therapist, Lana Kubasic – platium blond and b e a u t i f u l a very talented pianiast – believe she went to Carnagie Tech, Jackie Wargo, or Billie Halko?

    Regards, George Bornyek

    • De Silverio says:

      Hi Georgie Bill Holko passed in 1999 of a heart attack while out hunting. He shot a huge buck and then went down. Family and friends were with him. I remember you vaguely. As I recall you moved to California. I was young at that time. You probably don’t remember me. Bill’s little sister Dee Dee Holko. Best wishes, De

    • Elsie Pollak says:

      Hi George, knew it was you, you mentioned Lana andJoanie Yurich graduated with all of you in 1958. Living in West Palm Beach, Florida now, still healthy and kicking. How about you.

    • Gene Bujdos says:


      Mary Frances Reed graduated with me in 1957. I am a member of our Reunion Committee. This is all the info we have about her, but it may be out-dated by now: Mary Frances Reed-Hamilton 118 Fuller Road, Norwich NY. 13815 (607-336-9529)

  71. John Stock says:

    Although I did not grow up in Duquesne, I spent my early years in Lincoln Place 4 miles away. I did work at the US Plant in Duquesne in the Open Hearth Shop in 1965. I was laid off when it closed in August 1965. I enjoy reading the your blogs and see the appreciation you all had for growing up in the Steel Valley. Likewise I have always felt very thankful that I grew up in that area. In was a wonderful place in the forties, fifties and sixties. I am a retired railroader and now live in South Central Pa. It is a real pleasure to read sites like this.

    John Stock

  72. Stephannie Kosko says:

    I only knew Duquesne from visiting, but as were all Mill Towns they were “Pure Gold”!!! Brother Ray lived in D Place, “60 to –85 but looking for Stuno Relatives who may have been from there? Blv Paul Stuno grad. ’58 DHS. Found some year books in a barber shop Allegheny County ATO, but they are now in our archives, Mifflin Township Historical Society. This site rocks!!!

  73. RAYMOND Isadore says:

    I’m related to Richard Isadore

  74. Elaine Smith Cline says:

    Just heard about this site from my friend Deanne Harris Seese. Really enjoyed the articles and comments. How true it is. Growing up and raising my family in Duquesne was a real Joy. Such fond memories.

  75. joseph sobeck says:

    I see my sister has found this sight. Hi Dot . I also found something, my year book from 1960! Going thru this book is much fun. Seeing classmates and teachers is great. I was one of the celler dwellers, or vocational students. Was an eletric shop student. We all had a good time. Wish my children could know how life was way back then. Enjoy Duquesne Hunky. Thank you!

  76. Dorothy(Sobeck)Sopko

    what a great web site I graduated in 53, married in 56, lived on kennedy ave., also ist street above Butches Wonder Bar , moved to north Huntingdan in 1960 and still here , going on 58 yrs married., live here 52yrs, , cathy sterm, i knew your mom and dad and grandma, we had backyards that connected, also your brother tom is very well know in this area. glad to see you are on this sight

    • Joseph J Kulha says:

      Would you by chance be related to Caroline Sopko of North Huntingdon I would be related to her through the Billick Family in Duquuesne Her Grandfather Andy Billick was my Grandmothers Brother I Have all the Genealogial Information on the Family if you are related and she would be interested I would be glad to give it to her.

      • Stephanie K says:

        Hi Joe, why do I have a frownie face??? Looking to see if your Billick Family had ever lived on Route 837, by Mac’s Garage, right before the Rankin bridge. I can’t remember the name of the street, but Mac’s is the only house left there, there were only 6 or 7 houses there, back in the early 1900’s. That family is part of my family, but we know onlyso very little. John married my Mom’s sister Cecilia? Ring a bell? I have the street & the names in a file somewhere. Thanks.

  77. Amy Slavin Corbett says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Tammy!! Yes, we made plenty of walks up and down that hill!! Hope you are doing well. So happy to hear from you!! Amy

    • Tammy says:

      Do you remember the orange glowing sky from the steel mills at night? I tried to describe it to my children once, but it seemed incomprehensible to them.

  78. Tammy B Chonko says:

    I live in Duquesne with my husband of 35 years. Lots of buildings going down here. If you took a drive along Priscilla Avenue, you would barely recognize the barren land. We do have the Rails to Trails bike path going through our town now. i finally got to see what it looks like close to the river in good old Duquesne. This website is a great idea!

    • eleanor rusnak steimer says:

      hi tammy- this is eleanor rusnak steimer-remember how we all would walk all over the place because no one had a car back then- we didn’t have to worry either about walking home at night-those were the days!

      • Tammy says:

        Hey, Eleanor! I do remember those cold nights when “The Hawk” was out. The wind used to rip across the Thompson Run Bridge on the way back to Duquesne Place. Makes me shiver just thinking about it.

      • Karen Miller says:

        Eleanor, my great Aunt married a Mike Rusnak, her name was Mary Petrunyak. I have a wedding picture of them from the early 1900’s. Could they be relatives of your?

      • Eleanor did you grad. In 61?

  79. RAYMOND Isadore says:

    I remember Les the waterman in Duquesne. Didn’t he call out “Waterman” when he was outside the home?

  80. Arlene Babjak Homoki says:

    Jim, I too lived on Thomas Street, number 1, I think your brother is the same age as me, I am 63, and we used to play red rover on the street, along with Judy Gregory, Paul Swirbel, my older sister Pat, and Paula, I forget her last name, she lived on the street behind me. I went to Holy Trinity school, then to Edison and North.

    • Jim says:

      Arlene!! It is so great to hear from you! I remember you and your sister very well. My brother Steve is living in Florida now, Paula (Goldman) is in Virginia and I am in Maryland. Thomas Street will always hold a incredibly special place in my heart. You old home has stood the test of time, however, my childhood home is in a very sad state of disrepair. If you’d like to reminisce about the joys of life on Thomas Street, please let me know. You can email me at duquesnehunky@gmail.com.

      • Carole Snyder Binkney says:

        Hi Jim, I lived at #3 Thomas St. from birth 1938 til I married in 1957 so I too, have many Thomas St. memories. Of course, I knew your parents very well and you and your brother as little guys. You were probably more apt. to know my brother, Ray Snyder since he was younger than me. I am Carole Snyder Binkney. Went to St. Joe for 8 years and graduated from DHS in ’56. I have read this site of yours with tears from memories and joy from memories. What a treat! My old house is in good condition as I visit all my family about once a year up at the cemetery so I stop and visit with Mrs. Smerkol, My parents, my husband, grandparents and oodles of relatives are RIP there. I’ve lived in Mississippi for the past 40 years. It was my husband’s last duty station after 20 years in the Air Force and that’s where we stayed in retirement. He’s gone but I’m still here; can’t beat the weather and southern hospitality. Again, loved what your doing with this site. Carole

      • Jim says:

        I DO remember you, and of course Ray (aka Rammie)! I am so glad that you reached out to me. I really appreciate that. My brother and I would always cut through your backyard, behind the shed to visit my aunt, Mary Goldman, who lived just behind you on Martin Street. I’ll never forget your dog, well, the neighborhood’s dog Tuffy. He would faithfully visit our back door each day around lunch or supper time to pass judgement on whatever my mom was cooking. He never failed to thoroughly enjoy it. The other memory was your dad catching a snapping turtle. I remember all of us kids gathered in your back yard watching that thing crawl toward us while snapping at us. His time came to an end however, as your dad took care of “preparing” him on the side of the shed. Needless to say, I didn’t hang around for that part! So, thank you again for contacting me. Be well, and write back!! – Jim Volk

    • Faith (Staymates) Marko says:

      This is such a great site! I graduated DHS in 1972…Lived on Grant Ave. over Balchunis’ (sp?) little store across the street from Suzich’s bar until 1964. Then moved up Earl St. Does anyone remember my dad Les Staymates who went into everyone’s house to read their water meters?

      • cathy sturm says:

        He was the nicest man …you couldn’t leave your door open for him today in Duquesne

      • Hi Faith, yes I remember and your mom and brothers too —-your old neighborhood friend, gary stojakovich and my mom Helena sends her love

      • Pat Boyer says:

        Hi Faith,
        I lived in the double White House next to the bar, opposite side toward Catherine street. Remember your family well. This is a great site. Brings back so many fond memories.Hope your Mom is still with you.

      • Stan Belback says:

        Our families were great friends, your dad the best.
        Stan Belback

    • Arlene Babjak Homoki, Perhaps you are the platinum blond Arlene, that I remember from High School who was a fantastic artist.

  81. Marlene Prosnik says:

    Sandi…nice to hear from you! If you’re interested in family genealogy, I recommend you contact group I travelled with. English is not widely spoken in Slovakia, so you need a guide to educate you on the area. It’s imperative to know the village your family came from to go forward, but the outcome is so worth it. We met 2 elderly women related to us (a total surprise) and one remembered my grandmother and Catherine St. in Duquesne. The Slovaks are very warm, welcoming people. The trip is so worth it…the country is beautiful.

    • Sandi Tovlin Kaselionis says:

      Marlene, I’d love to start planning such a trip. . . one huge problem, though. I have no idea of what village(s) my grandparents came from. I know the ship that brought my maternal grandmother to America when she was 16, but I still haven’t even found her on the Ellis Island website. You are so lucky to have taken such a trip.

      • Marlene Prosnik says:

        Even if you haven’t got a village name, the trip is so worth it just to see the country and people. The trip includes a group leader who educates the traveller about the area (Eastern Slovakia/Sourthern Poland/Ukraine) and speaks of the Rusyn people. My husband had been hesitant to go because of the language barrier, but once we got there his concerns vanished. You can go into any small village and picture your grandmother living there, honestly! Let me know of your experience if you go. Did I mention you can access the c-rs.org website for info? They also sponsor a trip to learn Slovak that takes place in Presov. Meals, lodging and sightseeing are part of the trip cost. We thought about doing it ourselves.

      • Louis Andriko says:

        Sandi – PLEASE just start digging. We had already planned our 35th anniversary trip to Croatia to visit the village where both my grandparents were raised; we were just going to go with a tour but I now am in contact with my 2nd cousin in Zagreb who will take us right to Bubnjarci, a tiny village on the Kupa River which borders Slovenia. His parents (my mother’s cousin) own the home my grandmother was born in! They keep it as a weekend getaway. Who would have suspected? The Internet is GREAT! I am Half Croatian/Half Hungarian = ALL Duquesne Hunky…

      • Jim says:

        OK Lou, the evil face of envy has just materialized on this end of the computer! How lucky for you to trace the actual footsteps of your ancestors! We expect an abundance of photos and stories upon your return!

      • Lou A. says:

        You’ll have to be patient, Jim. our trip is planned for summer 2014. We went to Toronto this past June for 33rd, where I met ANOTHER of my mothers cousins, her two daughers and two other 3rd cousins who have been Canucks for 10-20 years, emigrating there just before and just after ‘the [Balkan] war’ as they call it…. will keep you informed as plans proceed. Right now, I’m attempting to learn Croatian well enough to speak with my ‘older’ kinfolk who know little or no English;almost everyone there under 30 is conversant in English. thanks to the Internet.

      • Stephen Vajs says:

        Sandi, I have found another source of information for males who were in the US in 1917. They all had to register for the draft. I found my grandfather’s WWI draft registration (he would have been 24-25 at the time) on line and it included province and village. You might try searching that way.

  82. Marlene Yarosik Prosnik says:

    What a trip down memory lane. Duquesne…too good to be forgotten. I am the eldest of five daughters Yarosik. We lived in Burns Heights, then above Huckster’s Bar and finally on Catherine Street nr Sts. Peter and Paul. Class of ’64, graduated Edinboro State College and married George Prosnik, class valedictorian. Remember the bank on Rt. 837 w/its revolving door and leather banquettes I’d kneel on to look @street cars (loved them!) and passing trains. Went to St. Hedwig’s catechism for a number of years then went to Sts. Peter and Paul (my father was Greek Catholic). Mom is Slovak/Polish. Travelled to Slovakia in 2009 to ancestral village and larger cities in Eastern Slovakia to learn about our heritage. Went w/group hosted by C-RS in Homestead. My dad’s parents came from Torysky, Slovakia and it was eerie to find the names Yarosik, Cherpak, Casey, etc. still living over there. Seems whole villages settled near each other when they came to America. And they founded Sts. Peter and Paul through hard work and love. George and I cherish our start in Duquesne and the values we shared with so many of you (hi, jane (Fulmer), Sandi (tovilin), Chuck (Teichart), etc. Remember the Duquesne Dolphins? dancing @the American Legion or the 10 cent dances in the gym during study hall on Friday afternoons in jr. high? Girl’s Leaders’ Club (I was in the first year of that organization). George and I live here in Springfield VA and have 2 grown sons, one in Denver (married) and one in Huntsville AL (married, 2 girls).

    • Sandi Tovlin Kaselionis says:

      Hi Marlene! Just saw your comment. Your trip to Slovakia sounds great. I’d love to do that one day. My husband and I live in Wabash, Indiana (near Ft Wayne), and our son, Scott, is married and lives in Westfield, IN (near Indianapolis). This site sure takes us down memory lane. Take care!

  83. georgia says:

    Hi, I grew up in Port Vue, but my Mom and all my aunts and uncles grew up in Duquesne. My Grandma lived on Hazel Alley (IS there such a place or have i picked it out of thin air?). Her last name was Ellis. All my aunt and uncles were musically inclined and played in a band…Bill, Nick, Ernie, George, girls were Helen, Irene and Betty. Aunt Betty sang with the band…country…poor old Kalijah? with the wooden head? My Grandpa Nick ELlis was old school and only really valued the boys although it was the girls who took care of him when he was aged and infirm. I was born in 45 so they were all older than that .Aunt Betty looked like one of the ANdrew Sisters….:) most of her life! I rememeber the high porches …my grandmas had three…one on each level…loved those…and the duplex across the paved yard also had three high porches. Grandpa owned the duplexes and rented them out which also fascinated me…renting….In Port Vue our streets were not paved so was fascinated by the brick streets and the hills going straight up with the dips in between where streets crossed.I am grateful for the just published recipes…..my sister may have them but mom never measured much ,….so mine were a bit Iffy.

  84. dan negley says:

    Don’t remember the hairdresser but the laundramat was butch byers and before that it was a hudson car dealership

  85. Raymond Isadore says:

    Pinball Sahwn: Thanks for looking out for my mom. We are planning to visit her Sunday 2/12. My wife and I live in the South Hills but try to visit with mom as often as we can.

  86. Dan Dougherty says:

    I enjoyed reading all the comments. i recognized a few names and many streets, stores and simpler times. Went to St. Joe’s (class of 54). DHS class of ’58. Married my high school sweetheart Norma Cucchi (also class of ’58). It’s now 49 years and counting.

  87. Barbara Pastorik says:

    Does anyone have stories of “Chicago Mike”?

    • Jack Schalk says:

      Why can’t I place him? His name is in my memory bank but I have no image or knowledge of him, although I should!

    • Barry Long says:

      Mary Helfrick who lived on Aurilles St. Invited Chicago Mike into the house, sat him down at the linen covered table & served him a dinner with a silver place setting. She said the poor man never had a decent meal. Parents used to threaten the kids by saying “If you don’t behave I’ll give you to Chicago Mike”,or” come in before dark or Chicago Mike will get you.” He had reddish hair & was a bum who came through town in the summer. My mother gave him a fried egg sandwhich to eat when he knocked on the door asking for food, & I had to take a wet cloth when he left to erase the X he scraped on the steps down on the street to signal that house would feed you to other BUMS going out West Grant Ave.

      • Jack Schalk says:

        Barry, you are a wealth of knowledge.
        You brought this guy and his image back into perspective for me.
        I believe there was a gathering spot for this clan of drifters down at the slag field (ball park). I think in a ditch behind home plate.

      • Barbara Pastorik says:

        Thank You for that story,My Mother Peggy Radvansky grew up on Savey Street and she had mentioned Chicago Mike and I was always intrigued.

      • Lisa Carrick says:

        Mary Helfrich was my great grandmother and reportedly a popular lady. At one time much of my father’s relatives lived along Auriles St. Would love any info you might have!

      • Lisa says:

        Mary Helfrich was my great grandmother.

    • Betty Rubinsak says:

      Mrs. Bayhan always talked about him. She taught in the Jr. High. We always heard about all the “hobos” that would get off the trains and stay in the “caves” on “grass hill”
      Anyone out there remember “Grass Hill” behind Burns Heights?

      • bob voron says:

        Yep, I set fire to it a couple of times (lol).

      • Just discovered this blog and read until I finally KNEW someone!!! (I am Jane Cappellano who WAS Jane Breda) and now live in Deerfield Beach Fla.) Since I lived in W.Mifflin, I did not see or meet any of these quirky characters (they sound very interesting); but am totally clueless since I grew up in Riverview and graduated from W.M. North High.

    • Robert H. Douglass says:

      If you remember “Chicago Mike” your telling your age. I grew up in West Mifflin and graduated from WMNH, class of 1965 with Barb.

      Bob Douglass

      • Jerry Blasko says:

        I also graduated from WMNH in 1965, but never heard of Chicago Mike!

        Jerry Blasko

      • Janet Carter says:

        The only Chicago Mike I knew was a teddy bear my father brought me from Chicago. Are you the Bob Douglass that attended 1st Presbyterian Church in Duquesne? Twin brother of Joan.

  88. EK says:

    I just happened across this blog in the past couple of days. Neat.

    I believe my grandparents owned and ran the Kovac Restaurant & Cafe on 2nd Street, but I’m not certain (knowing that Kovac is a common name). They were Andrew and Mary. I’m trying to find out when it was in business and when, exactly, it closed. I was told the early 60s.

    I noticed a posting about my Aunt Anne who was never married and owned an apartment building. She passed away over 10 years ago, I believe.

    I haven’t been to Duquesne since I was very young, and I have many 60s and 70s photos on old slides somewhere. My only remembrances are brief memories, because I was quite young in the early 1970s, before my grandparents died. I do remember walking from their house on Crawford to a corner market, but I wouldn’t remember what it was called. I wonder if their home still stands.

    My father is a graduate of DHS, but I don’t know the exact year. Perhaps ’55? He has attended some recent reunions.

    • John (Jack) Berta says:


      Go to vPike.com and you can take a virtual tour of Duquesne. Use the “street map” and “zoom” to find your desired location then click on “satellite”.

    • Donna Manns says:

      Donna Olinski Kolibas Manns Sept. 18th 1:54pm I lived on 2nd st. I was friendly with their son Donald.

    • Barry Long says:

      We had a Bob Kovac in DHS class 53. he sang “old man river”in Chapel in school, & again at our 35th or 40th reunion. A great classmate & i will let him tell you of the mischief.

  89. This is a very informative and interesting blog. I have been told that my great uncle,
    John Bires, was mayor of Duquesne during the depression. Can you post anything about
    his term as mayor in the blog? It is an interesting piece of history.
    Thanks, Cindy from Duncansville

  90. Rhonda Gora says:

    Is there anyone out there from Duquesne High School that graduated in 1951. My mom Lois Bixler lived in Duquesne and often told me of the dances at Kennywood and the drug store where they used to drink Cokes after school. I lost my mom in 2008 and miss many of those old stories. Sure seemed like a wonderful place to grow up. Some of the “Hunky” names are still clear in my mind. This is a wonderful site and i have just enjoyed reading some of the notes.

    • Barry Long says:

      I knew your Mom & was in your Aunt DOLLIE’S class of 1953. Ran into Dollie when we were both in the USMC in 1954. I think it was our 30 or 35th class reunion she showed up & was the Chaplain of her American Legion. A bunch of us were at the Bixler house the night we graduated in 53—they had Beer!

    • Jennifer Pastrick says:

      are you related to Donald Bixler? I went to grade school at St Joseph’s in Duquesne with him. We graduated from 8th grade in 1970. Donald is on Facebook so you can search for him.

      • Rhonda says:

        Yes he is my cousin. I haven’t seen him in a few years. Probably since my mother died in 2008. Me and Don were very close growing up.

  91. Alan Hartman says:

    Jim…I love the Duquesne Hunky. Jim Hartman is my brother and we both initially were residents of Oak Street off Center Street–that lovely roller coaster hill which was so much fun in both Summer and especially Winter. Jim graduated from Holy Name School but I only went there till first grade. In 1962 we moved to West Mifflin and attended St. Agnes Church off Homstead-Duquesne Road. That did not end our link to Duquesne, however. My uncle Albert Pundzak had a store on South Second Street between Viola an Priscilla Aves called Duquesne Cut Rate. He and his brother Michael Pundzak, Jr. opened the store in the middle 40s I believe. Michael was a Pharmacist and did that at the store till he moved to Ohio in the 50s I believe. Being the baby of the family I don’t have all the details exact, Jim Hartman knows more since he was the oldest of the Hartman clan. I don’t know who else who enjoys the Duq. Hunky remembers Duquesne Cut-Rate, but I would be interested who else does. Uncle Al ran the store till the 70s when he retired sand moved to North Versailles. My grandmother and grandfather and he lived above the store and fondly do I remember many fantastic Christmas Eve celebrations with presents and food feasts. My mother worked on Sunday so we never lost that connection to Duquesne. I remember Mike’s Meat Market, the Hungarian Club and the Black Pentecostal Church with its rauchous worship services we heard often. I still remember the sawdust on the floor of the meat market. I was saddened to do a Google search and street view only to see one house left on the north side of that part of South Second Street. I now understand that the building which had so many fond memories is now been torn down. If there are any other of you who remember my Uncle’s store, I would love to hear from you on this blog or via email.

    • I remember a raft trip with the Howard brothers, drinking Ripple wine, listening to Doctor Demento

      • Ginnie says:

        Vince – saw your post – I love this website! Do you remember me from St. Agnes Lane – Ginnie Linn? I think you were at my house a few years back for a halloween fire!

    • Gene Bujdos says:


      Alan, i remember your uncle’s drug store on Second Street — when you came down Priscilla and turned left, the store was the second building on the left side. I think the front of the store was orange brick. The Micklos family lived right across the street. My dad, John “Boots” Bujdos was a big customer of your dad and uncle. I think one of them had a bad leg and used to have trouble walking behind the counter, or else walked with a limp. We lived at 304 South Fourth,. My dad was a huckster in Duquesne, if you know what that was. I graduated from DHS in 1957.

  92. Raymond Isadore says:

    I knew Doug Ramsey and his family. My father owned Isadore’s market at the top of Kennedy Ave. I graduated from Duquesne High School in 1970. My mom still lives and does facials and electrolysis in Duquesne.

    • Pinball Shawn says:

      I live two houses up from your mom. I own the duplex on the corner and live on one side and run my business out of the other side. I don’t know her very well, but I keep an eye on her place because I know she’s older. My back yard looks right at the back of her house. I know Duquesne has a bad rep these days, but truly it’s still pretty quiet here. I’m basically surrounded by abandoned houses, but I have to admit they are the best neighbors I can hope for. Hopefully I can ease some tensions in knowing not all people here are bad and someone is looking out for the older folks in the neighborhood.

      • Linda Mountain says:

        Pinball Shawn-Your posting gave me some hope! Just bought a rowhouse on Earl St, and was having second thoughts because of so many scary reports, etc. I’m half Czech, an older person, but w/guts, lots of drive and determination.Thank you so much-Linda

    • Eleanor Kemeny says:

      are you related to Richard Isadore? Class of 56

    • Hi Raymond,
      Just had to mention that my grandmother (Mrs. Sakson from Dell St.) shopped at the store when your grandmother owned it….I just found this sight tonight and was just scrolling through….you won’r remember me but I remember you when your Mom used to bring you to the store as a baby.

  93. Robert Szuch says:

    Robert Szuch
    November 5,2011
    Just learned of this site.I graduated DHS ’60. Married 42 years and living in the Cranberry Twp., Pa area. Ran into Frank Genes in Duquesne at a funeral, but don’t get back there often.

    • Tom Lane says:

      Hey Bob, are you the one from Doney st? If so, we used to hang out and life weights in your basement. How is Carol, Rosemary and Nancy? Been a long time. tom lane

      • Robert Szuch says:

        Hi Tom, Yes I lived on Doney St. I remember you & your family on Dell St. Carol lives in Ct., Nancy & her family in Bethel Park & Rosemary in Steubenville, Ohio. What about Doug Ramsey and Rich Kubany? What year did you graduate? Bob Szuch

      • Stan Belback says:

        Tom, Did you live on Dell St.? If so I lived across from you.
        Stan Belback

    • tom lane says:

      Hi Bob, Not sure what happened to Doug Ramsey since I left the area right after high school. I graduated in 62. My sister is still in the area in Jefferson area. I think Rich Kubany died awhile back. Ray Krise who lived up at the top of Doney is in Calif and he is how I got to this link. I am retired and living in Indiana. Hope you are well. tom

      • Robert Szuch says:

        Hey Tom, I used to fly to Indiana a lot – Indianapolis and South Bend – what part of Ind. do you live in? My wife, Pat Zuber, graduated in ’62 from North High but she went to Duq. in tenth grade. Bob

      • tom lane says:

        I live in Columbus In, 50 miles south of INdy. In indy all the time though. Came to work at Cummins Engine in 77 and stayed. I remember Pat Zuber just vaguely. Do you remember that guy, Bubbles?? He used to hang out with you back then. Did you have children? I did not. Was married briefly back in the 70’s. tom

    • John (Jack) Berta says:

      Hi Bob, I remember meeting you in Ct. at your sister Carol’s place. I think it was a christening. Also saw you at the Stash’s in Cheshire. Do you ever hear from them? Like Tom Lane, I graduated in 62. I remember your wife, Pat Zuber. We had the same homeroom with Ms. Doebel in tenth grade. Jack Berta

  94. Cliff Warner says:

    HI<just found out about this site from an old friend Sam Salvucci. Sam's dad, same name taught at DHS for many years. I lived in Duquesne as a child on Grant avenue,moved to Goldsrohm Lane in 1954. Attended Saint Josephs from 54 to 62. Used to hang out at the Hilltop Dairy, played the pinball machine in the back that payed off. We moved few blocks into West Mifflin (Texas Ave) in 62. I still continued to hang in my beloved Duquesne until leaving for the service in 1967. After returning home and getting married bought our first home back in Duquesne up on the hill in Zewe Alley. Lived there until 1980 then abandoned the old town for the suburbs (Jefferson Hills). I recognized several names here,if anyone cares to get in touch with me my phone is 412-233-3712. My e-mail is cliffordjwarner@yahoo.com

    • Bill Larkin says:

      Hi Cliff, You might remember me Billy Larkin, We lived on Kennedy Ave. directly across from Hilltop Dairy. My brother Steve still lives in West Mifflin. I live in New Mexico now, I’ve been here since 91. I remember your whole family, and your cousins at one time we all lived in the same neighborhood. Hope you’re doing great. This site is awesome it really brings you back. Some things I miss a whole lot, some I don’t, but it was a great place to grow up.

      • Cliff Warner says:

        Hi Billy,sure I remember you,Steve and your whole family. Glad to find you are doing well. I’m doing fine,been retired since 04. Our children supplied us with two grandchildren each,watch my daughter’s kids quite often, not so much my son’s. We still have the cabin near Ligonier,get up there as often as possible during the summer months. If you ever get back up here to Pittsburgh area please look me up. In the mean time I guess we can keep in touch through this great blog. Cliff

      • diane says:

        D u remember “fleck” moore?

  95. bill jones says:


    I can’t recall him specifically. But if he was the svc mgr he was probably my boss that summer. Pretty sure it was the summer of 1975. I do sort of remember a couple of the other young guys – characters for sure – that worked in the shop. I also kinda remember the store manager – was that your dad,or a different person? I remember one time a customer was getting a set of 4 new custom wheels – big bucks – and I scratched one of them during installation – basically ruining it. …that didn’t go over real well.

  96. bill jones says:

    …I liked your story on Eastland Mall. Grew up in McKeesort; have many memories of Eastland. I worked at the JCP auto center one summer when I was in college…. probably ’75 or ’76.

  97. Raymond Isadore says:

    What a wonderful site. Was told about the site by former Duquesne resident who belongs to the same sweepstakes club as I do.

  98. dan negley says:

    Yes Linda is my sister, she was just in town for her 50th. class reunion

  99. dan negley says:

    Hey Lou, I remember you we sang in the choir together at St. Joes and I used to hang out with Randy in the loft above his garage

    • Lou A. says:

      That’s right, Dan; I remember the loft too. God Bless her, I always thought that Miss Spang, the organist, played very well, but far too loud for a bunch our pre-pubescent boy choir. And we had to wear the BLACK Cassocks w/white surplices on Christmas and Easter, because the accolytes got to wear the cool RED ones!

    • Beverly Monaghan (flemm) says:

      Are you related to Gary Negley. I went to St. Joseph’s. Lived on Auriles Street. Suzy Heil was my school friend. Gary was her cousin. I ran into him at college. Last I heard he was Mel Brooks Accountant, 70’s. His name may have been Nagy. That is what I repeated from hearing his name. May be Negley. He lived in West Mifflin by the school.

      • Jack Skalican says:

        Hi Beverly – I think we went to grade school together.

      • Michael (Mike) Jugan says:

        Are you related to Mark and Jimmy Skalican? I swam with them at DHS. I graduated from Duquesne in 1970. I also went to St. Joseph’s. If you hear of any High Reunions, get in touch. juganmr@tds.net. 865-777-2782 (land/no texts) PS I’ve been in Knoxville, TN since 1976.

  100. my husband & I both grew up in Duquesne graduated from Duquesne in 1955 & 1956 was a great town then but it is sad to see what has happened to it.

  101. Jim, your blog is great. Duquesne was the first town I was ever stopped by the police. And not for a ticket but a thank you. WOW. My brother Guy and I were driving in the dead of winter going up the hill toward Kennywood. It was extremely slippery out and a cop was behind us It took a long time to go up the hill because of all the ice and snow, slipping on the way up and going through a red light. After we got up the hill and onto level ground, the policeman pulled us over. We thought sure we were going to get a ticket for going through the light but instead he thanked us for not stopping. If we had stopped, I guess we would have all been stuck there for the night.
    George DeVirgilio

    • Jim says:

      George, so many of us “cut our teeth” on Duquesne’s hills. I recall that the trip down 2nd or 3rd St. after a snow was as scarey as trying to make the trip up the hill!

      • Larry Fewell says:

        I remember winter the winter months in Duquesne (circa 1950’s), we would improvise by taking metal curtain rods and ski down Camp Ave. between 2nd & 1 st St. Unfortunately a kid whose name I do not recall was killed when he ran into a fire hydrant with his sled.
        I visited Duquesne this summer and was considerably saddened by the derelection and decay. I was especially moved to tears by Holy Trinity Catholic Church and Duquesne High School still standing but ghosts of their former selves.

  102. Tom Ohrman says:

    This site is like finding something you lost 40 some years ago.

  103. Deanne Harris Seese says:

    First day on the site. So cool. My cousin Roland Hedberg sent it to my. He is in Florida. He got the site from Jerry Weber. We were neightbors with the Webers. Saw Linda Negley on the site. She was our neighbor also. I am Deanne Harris from Sherman Ave. Went to St. Joe’s 8 years. Graduated DHS 1963 Our family home was torn down. We were at the corner of Catherine and Sherman. Still makes me sad that it is not there anymore. Nice, nice memories.

    • Linda L. (Negley) Gibb says:

      Hi Deanne,
      I remember you. I think your home was a sm. apt. bldg. if I’m not mistaken. We drove up Sherman Ave. about 3 or 4 yrs. ago & I was quite surprised to see that a lot of the homes were gone! Big lovely brick bldgs. What in the world happened to them??? My Grandma Imblum’s home is still there. I think I knew your cousin Roland. That name rings a bell with me. Where did he live? Where in FL is he? Where is Jerry Weber? & last but not least where are you now?

      • Deanne Harris Seese says:

        Hi Linda, we lived right across the street on Sherman from your Grandma Imblum. Such nice people. Our’s was the huge apt. bldg. My cousins, the Hedbergs lived on one side and us on the other. Roger was the oldest, then Roland, then Eric or (Ricky). Judy was my sister. Don’t know where Jerry Weber is, but he and Roland still see each other. I am in White Oak. Didn’t go too far from Duquesne

    • Lou says:

      Hi there; if your brother is Randy, and I think he is, tell him Lou Andriko says Hello! We were classmates at St. Joe’s; haven’t seen or talked to anybody from that class in years!
      You’re so right about all the old places being gone…..

      • Deanne Harris Seese says:

        Hi Lou, I do remember you and yes Randy is my brother, I’ll tell him you said hello, maybe he get on this site and respond himself.

    • dan negley says:

      my grandmother lived across the street from you and randy and i used to play in the loft above the garage

      • Deanne Harris Seese says:

        Are you Linda Negley’s brother, I just replyed to her, I so remember your grandparents. Of course I remember the loft above the garage, that was Randy’s clubhouse!

    • Amy Slavin Corbett says:

      My Grandma, Ruth Keenan, and my great aunt, Margaret Reid lived on Sherman Ave with my 2nd cousin, Walter Reid. They lived in a big duplex and I just loved their house. I spent plenty of weekends with my grandma when I was young. I grew up on First Street and walking up the hill to go see her seemed like such a long walk back then! But I can remember when it would snow how quiet things would be on that walk…just magical!! So sad to see her house gone now.

      • Tammy B Chonko says:

        Hi, Amy! Happy Thanksgiving! I think you and I took a few winter walks together back in middle school. I hope all is well with you.

      • Linda (Negley( Gibb says:

        Amy Slavin Corbett, did your Grandmother teach bookkeeping at DHS?

    • Bob Vucic says:

      You were my first girlfriend. Really. I was the skinny, naive kid from 3rd Street who (can’t believe it even now) actually dated a high school cheerleader. I remember the white (at least I think it was white) Ford convertible you drove. You would occasionally pick me up in front of my parent’s house. Come to think of it, I may have been your first babysitting job. Hope all is well with you.

    • carole bokin says:

      hi Deanne. just found out about Duquesne hunkey. I loved good old Duquesne. have a lot of memories there. you graduated with my brother,rich molcany. . as you know, I graduated in 1964. carole molcany ,bokin

  104. Doris (Voron) McCreary says:

    To Michelle Sullivan and Diane Buczynski Kasten, I believe we were classmates at Holy Name; I attended fm 1956 to 1961. Moved to VA that summer as my dad was in the Army. Michelle, if memory serves, I remember attending a birthday party you had. Dianne, I have a pic of us on the steps of Holy Name. Thanks to all for the memories.

    • Alan Belancik says:

      I’m new to the Duquesne Hunky, but no stranger to Duquesne.

      Don’t we have cousins in common? Namely Kathy and Patty Shimko? I just talked to Aunt Margaret about a week ago. I was visiting my Mom in West Mifflin. You were on Uncle Mike’s side, right?

      Be well,

      Alan Belancik (Marie and Al’s son)

      • bob voron says:

        Alan, I don’t see my sister’s reply. Yep, you are right. Saw your Mom and Denise at Aunt Margaret’s funeral (my favorite Aunt). A month earlier we were up there for Patty’s son, Thomas’s wedding.
        Bob Voron

      • Doris (Voron) McCreary says:

        Hi Alan,
        So sorry I missed your post; my brother Bob just ran across it and emailed me. As Bob said we do have cousins in common and Aunt Margaret was my godmother. And you’re correct, Aunt Margaret was married to my mother’s brother Mike Shimko. Alan, I’ve been doing family history for a few years now and have info on the Belanciks. If you’re interested, I could email to you, let me know. (my email is djminva@aol.com). You could fill in some of the blanks I have on your immediate family.
        Til later, Doris (Voron) McCreary.

  105. Amy says:

    I lived on 4th St. across from DHS. I had an uncle who went there in the 30s & would sneak in the windows on 4th St. to avoid getting caught being “tardy” & apparently some of the teachers actually would help him! Of course, he was pretty smart…went to Carnegie Tech (CMU) as did the other uncle. I never could get away with that, though.
    I went away to college, got married to a guy from the farm areas outside Kittanning (we’ve been married nearly 38 yr). Came back while he was on unaccompanied duty in Okinawa & went to CCAC (I had my teaching degree but back then, guys who taught could avoid the draft for Nam, so most schools hired them first, so I went for my nursing degree). Moved away 1977 to present; did stay w/ Mom for a while when our son was a baby during the first Gulf war when they were threatening to draft me because I had oncology nursing experience & to send my husband over to Iraq because he was active duty & they could. When that blew over we moved back together. Not a willing separation but figured if I didn’t live on the base, maybe out of sight out of mind!
    We visited Duquesne often. Some things I miss & some, I’m glad to leave behind! Guess that’s true of anywhere (except I have to admit I really would have been content to live in Scotland a bit longer..maybe forever-much of it because it’s not ever really hot over there & I’m not good with hot weather).
    I have to say-when it came to adapting to other countries, having grown up in Duquesne was a big help. Think about it: A 2 square mile town with ethnic neighborhoods! And every town up & down the Mon & Yough about the same. You learned to deal with different cultures, how to listen to people about their country of origin, how to find commonalities in cultures & accept differences. I know everyone wasn’t like that & it’s sad when they had so many opportunities to learn! I also learned one thing that’s really bad if you are prone to weight problems: I’ve never met a cuisine I didn’t like-or unfortunately, one that didn’t like to add fat cells to me! 😉 Duquesne was good for that. I had a friend whose mom made the best cheregies. Beignets are good, I’ve had what were supposed to be the best in New Orleans, but they can’t touch cheregies!
    Thanks for the blog! I know I could walk through Duquesne & not know people whom I knew well now-between military moves & my professions (teaching & nursing see a lot of turnover of those for whom you care), I think I just ran out of memory! So, if I’ve ever passed anyone by in years past, I apologize & it’s not personal. Ditz, maybe. Personal, no.

  106. Bob Chermonitz says:

    Hello to all! My oldest son told me about this site and it’s just great. I was Holy Name class of ’65 and DHS class of ’69. I also worked in Kennywood summer of 1969 before starting college. Lived in Duquesne Place from 1954 until 1974 when I moved to Ohio to teach and coach. Came back to the area in 1984 and have lived in South Park ever since.
    I am a sales rep and Baden is part of my territory. I’ve walked the cemetary and have found only two sisters I recall. Sister Mary Danielle and Sister Mary Clementine. I have so many memories of Duquesne and could write pages.

    • Jim says:

      Bob! I certainly remember you…..! This is your former classmate Jim Volk. You and I went through all of Holy Name together. I am writing this blog in the hopes of people connecting just for the heck of it. It is great to hear from you. So many of our Holy Name classmates have connected as a result. I would love to share some of your stories with everyone if you would like to share. Just email them to DuquesneHunky@hotmail.com! – Jim

      • Bob Chermonitz says:

        Hello Jim!! After reading everything I was pretty sure it was you. What a great thing you’ve done for all of us. No matter where I’ve traveled in life my heart goes back to Duquesne and it’s surrounds.
        Wow, just the memories about HNS would fill be enough but there is everything else, especially the people. God how I remember you and the rest of HNS ’65. I promise I’ll update from time to time. You just keep doing this wonderful thing.

        PS. I remember Mary Petrozza “rocking away” in class. 🙂

    • Ed Kozarian jr says:

      Sister Mary Danielle was my principal and Sister Clementine was I believe my 3rd or fourth grade teacher. Class of 68. I still till this day think about those two very special Nuns.

  107. Lived in Duquesne-West Mifflin till 1948. My family moved to So. Calif. Both parents graduated from DHS (Vince Manns and Ruth Stauffer Manns). I remember going to Kennywood for school picnics, what fun. I remember several of the stores and drug stores. and St. Joe’s church, the library etc. I have visited a couple times as much of the family still live in the area. I live in Manteca, Ca. in the northern San Joaquin Valley. An old schoolmate from Emerson and Edison Jr High told me about your site. Thanks for the sites. I haven’t heard the term hunky since I lived in Pa. but then I tried some Pittsburghese on friends and they don’t know what I’m talking about either!

  108. I stumbled acrossed this website by accident and I am happy I did. I grew up on North 3rd street in Duquesne went to the catholic schools there and graduated from DHS 1977. It is wonderful to hear storys from my home town I have very fond memories of Duquesne and all the fun times I had growing up there. I also remember a lot of the landmarks or businessess that are mentioned and even remember going to a lot of them. I will continue to view this site frequently for any updates that may come by Thank you for a wonderful site

  109. David Butler says:

    Great site!

  110. David Butler says:

    Great site.

  111. Linda L. (Negley) Gibb says:

    I graduated from Duquesne in 61. Lived in Duq. on Catherine St. @ the corner of Sherman Ave. untill the age of 8 when my folks moved us to the suburbs of West Mifflin onto Glenny Lane. Lived in West Mifflin till I became Mrs. Jimmy Gibb & we lived in Pleasant Hills for about a yr. then bought our home in West Mifflin on Nordeen Drive @ intersection with Edgewater Dr. Stayed there till Jimmy got new job in West Virginia in 73. Lived in WV till his retirement in 06 & we moved to FL & are planning on being here till the good Lord calls us home

    • Linda L. (Negley) Gibb says:

      Forgot to say I went to St. Josephs through 8th grade, then 1 yr. @ Edison Jr. High then onto Duq. High

  112. Alexis Findrick/Kopriver/now Smith says:

    What a nice site and great memories!!! I went to Holy Name and graduated from DHS in 1966. I married Frank Kopriver III (Buddy) and we moved to Virginia Beach in 1977. We were divorced, had two kids, and I stayed in Va. Beach until a few years ago when for a multitude of reasons I ended up moving back to Duquesne. I now live in Duquesne Place and work in Pittsburgh. Too bad things can’t stay the same because Duquesne is nothing like it used to be, but it is good to remember what it was. Kennedy Meat Market was changed into Ethnic Perogies for many years and I was very sad when it went out of business a few years ago. Every time I visited I took some home with me. My mother and I were talking just yesterday about all the grocery stories, churches, drug stores and beer gardens that were in Duquesne….almost every corner.

    • Linda says:

      Hey Alexis. Boy I haven’t htought about living in Duquesne for a long time. I lived in Duquesne Place and yes it is not the same. We had some great times growing up there. I also graduated in 1966. We had a great class!!!

    • Paula Manns Niedoba says:

      How nice to see you here…I hope you and your Mother are well.

  113. Michael Bashista says:

    Jim, This blog was passed to me by one of my classmates and it was great reading. I really enjoyed all the memories it brought back. Like you I am definitely a Hunky – all 4 grandparents were Slovak. Growing up in Duquesne was great and I only lived in 3 places – Auriles St, then to 5th St just by Crawford School and finally to Priscilla Ave right between the Slovak and Russian clubs. Always remember spending summers at Kennywood Park especially back when they had the big swimming pool. The occassional trip for picnics at South Park. It was also very easy to get to Forbes Field to see the Pirates play getting there by streetcar or bus. I recognize a lot of your posters on the site. Hi to all and hopefully in Duquesne next year for the class of 1962’s 50th reunion. I’m now in Georgia close to Atlanta.

  114. Ken Greenly says:

    My mother-in-law recently moved into a retirement home and when cleaning out her garage, I found a small jar of Wood’s Drawing and Healing Salve. It came from Woody’s Drug Store, Inc. ” The Best in Duquesne, Pa” It looks like tree sap, amber in color and kind of sticky. Does any one know what this is made of and what the shelf life is? My mother-in-law, Ruth M Mentzer Clark was born in Duquesne in 1922 and lived there until moving to VA in 1946 but continued to visit family until moving to CA in 1966. I found a couple of pictures of Woody’s Drug Store which I will show here at here upcoming birthday.

    • Jim says:

      I think we had a jar of the drawing and healing salve that lasted my entire childhood! I think its like the amber used at Jurassic Park!! LOL
      If you would like to share your woodies pictures with all of the readers, please feel free to email them to me at jim@shamrockrealtygroup.com and I’ll post them!
      Be sure to wish your mom a very happy 89th!

    • Linda L. (Negley) Gibb says:

      I have a tin of drawing & healing salve also & it must be a good 20 yrs. old & still works. If you get an infected cut just put some on it & cover with bandaid & leave for a few days & it will draw out infection & heal up. Also if you get splinter in finger & part of it breaks off when you try to remove it, just put on some drawing salve & cover with band aid & leave alone for a few days & it will draw that bit right out. Great stuff!

      • Amy Slavin Corbett says:

        I remember having some of that around as a child and thought it was like a miracle!! Wish I could find some now just to have around!!

      • my grand father, was “farmer john” from west mifflin.I wasn’t from duquesne, but i lived there everyday.my grandpap would deliver home grown vegtable , and eggs to manns market

  115. Kelly Robertson says:

    Both my mother and father’s families were from Duquesne. The Cutshall’s, who lived on N. Third and N. Fourth, to name a couple of their addresses, and the Murphy’s of S. Second. My mom, Carol Cutshall Murphy, graduated from DHS in 1955…..I still have her BEAUTIFUL class ring. My dad, Dave Murphy, attended Holy Name up until middle school age, then graduated from DHS in 1960. I was close to both sides of the family, but spent a LOT of time with my grandparents, aunts, and uncles on the Cutshall side. I have the BEST memories of walking up to Gallagher’s with my aunt to get a REAL cherry Coke, and Trick or Treating ALL OVER the town. Two pillowcases FULL of candy and meeting all sorts of people while trekking all over on Halloween ….good times. My mom always spoke so highly of how nice it was to grow up in Duquesne during the 40’s and 50’s. I have wonderful memories of my visits there.

  116. Colleen Byrne Travis says:

    Woody’s drawing and healing salve. We all had a tube of it in our medicine cabinet. Remember standing in front of the Plaza Theater waiting for the bus after school? I think it was next to Woody’s. We would go into Woody’s, buy a candy bar, say “hello” to the two Jullies who worked there and wait for the bus. I could have walked to a nice little public school in our neighborhood, but my parents choose to send us to Holy Name. I just think they didn’t want to be bothered with catechism on Saturdays.

  117. (alice) Jane Lemak nee' Goodish says:

    WHAT FUN TO FIND-TYVM JIM. btw, drawing salve (ichthammol) is availlable behind the pharmacy counter along w coke syrup. You have my permission to give my e mail address. I’ve been widowed for 5 years, down in Fl. for another month or so but I live in Acme in Bear Rocks but I’m often @ Nancy & Jim Gregris’ or my sister Shirley Dilla nee’ Lemak. Love to hear fr you….Jane

    • Jim says:

      Jane, by any chance, are you related to Ralph Lemak? I went to Holy Name with him. – Jim Volk

    • Nicolette Collins -Barilla says:


      I am a former student of Nancy Gregris. I recently joined a Facebook group about growing up in Duquesne. One of the members said that she had passed away. I am hoping that is not the case and that she is doing well.

      • Cathy Cardilla Gallucci says:

        Nancy Gregris is alive and well as of May of this year. I haven’t seen her lately but she graduated from DHS in 1959 and is married to a classmate of mine Jim Gregris who graduated in 1960. They currently live in North Huntingdon, PA.

        Cathy Cardilla Gallucci
        Class of 1960

  118. Tina Estochin Hull says:


    There is also a FaceBook group for Duquesne Senior High School. Graduates from DHS are welcome to join and leave comments/information in the discussions.


    Tina Estochin Hull

  119. Tom Lane says:

    Jim, I just did Google Earth and revisited Duquesne. It would be nice to let people know of that capability. It is a recent pictoral, but lots of the stuff we are talking about is still there. What a great idea you have with this. tom

    • Elaine Teichart Sander says:

      Hello Tom, Some of my favourite memories of Duquesne are picnics with your family and making snow forts and the snow ball battles that followed.

      Cheer, Elaine (Teichart) Sander

      • Tom Lane says:

        Hi Elaine, nice to hear from you. I assume you are still in Australia? And I remember going on all those day trips with your family too! And Chuck is still in Michigan? Ray Krise is the one who connected me to this. He is in California now. The best from Indiana. tom

      • Elaine Teichart Sander says:

        Duquesne resident from 1952 to 1974. Still living in Australia. Chuck is still in Michigan and Eloise now lives in Arizona.

  120. Donna Ragan Connolly says:

    I grew up not far from you Jim, on Goldstrohm Lane and Kahler St across from the trailor court. I believe you may have lived next door to my best friend back then, Rosemary K. Our family attended Holy Trinity parish, my husband Jim attended Holy Name and really enjoyed “the tour” of the old school. It’s amazing how many memories are the same of our lives back then. I wouldn’t have traded what we had for anything in the world!

  121. Jane Fulmer Pocsatko says:

    I grew up on Doney St. Sisters Gretchen, Susan and Kathie. Went to St. Joe’s. and graduated DHS 1964. Love to recall all the great times in Duquesne. The High School dances on saturday night and the basketball games in the old gym. Remember Mr Ruetzel ? It was a happy time. jane

  122. Joe Haver says:

    Okay, my mind is going. Since I am a retired pharmacist, how about the Drug Stores in Duquesne. Start at the top of Grant, Butlers across from St Joes, then at 5th St Gallaghers, then down to the Alley above 1st, Eagle Drug, then at the intersection of 1st St, another Butlers.(diagonal from the City Bank) On 1st St there was Woodys, and I believe there was another drug store below 1st St on Grant on the right going down, but can’t remember the name. I think that’s it, anyone slse remember anymore.

    • Ron Macosko says:

      Joe…..The Drug Store below First on Grant was Coleman’s. Also, there was Pundzak’s Drug Store on Second near Priscilla & Palchak’s out in Duquesne Place

    • MJ says:

      And forever I will have fond memories of my daughter and me going into Pittsburgh on the 62C bus to shop at the Children’s Christmas store at Kaufmann’s so she could buy her very own presents for her Grandma and Grandpap. On the walk back up the hill – big treat to stop at Gallaghers for hot chocolate! Those were the days!!

    • Diann M. Topley says:

      Thank you for endorsing family legend and myth regarding Butlers Drug Store. My maiden name was Diann Marie Topley and the Butlers were kin to me. I graduated from Duquesne University with a BS in Pharmacy in 1976 and a PharmD in 2001. My career as a pharmacist dragged me all across the United States; yet in retirement I find myself yearning for life growing up in Duquesne. I believe there was a hairdresser and a laundromat by Butlers Drug Store. Would love to hear from you.

  123. Joe Haver says:

    What a great website ! Greetings from a DHS grad of 1960. We recently had our 50th and it is amazing how good everyone looks. What a place to grow up.
    Thank you for doing this

    • Gary Dorman says:

      My sister, Linda Dorman (Erwin) graduated in 1960. Sadly, she passed away in May 2014 in Colorado. I’m Gary Dorman, DHS 1957. What a surprising website.

  124. Bob Furlong says:

    ps Now live in Costa Rica

  125. Lisa Alzo says:

    Great blog. I grew up in Duquesne but live in New York now. I remember the Slovak club well.

    Don’t know if you’ve seen my book, Three Slovak Women? In it I wrote about the “hunky” weddings and other traditions. Would be interested in communicating with you outside this blog. Feel free to drop me an e-mail via my web site.


    • Bob Furlong says:

      Don’t know what era you guys are talking about, but Billy Gorscak, Al Mastroianni, Ralph DeRose and I were fixtures at weddings at Slovak, Lithuanian, Hungarian and American Legion Clubs. Not too many at GBU. Lived at 108 S Fifth Street. Mother LaVerne Trainor and Grandfather Lawrence Trainor, Fire chief and Am Legion Commander

    • Eileen Thomas Smith says:

      Hi Lisa,

      My name is Eileen Thomas Smith and when I was going to Crawford School my neighbor from Kahler Street, Anna Margaret Alzo, escorted me for the entire first grade.Could she be a relative of yours? Feel free to let me know. I would welcome your reply.

  126. Dianne Kasten says:

    Dear Jim,
    Yes! My husband is Paul Kasten, the organist at Holy Name. We are sooo excited about finding this blog. Thank you so much.
    Dianne Kasten

    • Dianne, Thanks for your feedback about my blog. I really enjoy writing about Duquesne. I remember Paul and his talent very well. Please give him my best and keep on reading. Jim Volk 443-523-0014

      • Carole Snyder Binkney says:

        Jim, did you live on Thomas St.??? Was your dad, Steve Volk?
        I lived across the street at 3 Thomas or 203 when changed. I couldn’t believe all this when I ran across it tonight. A friend sent it to me tonight and I’ve enjoyed it soooooooo much. I went to St. Joseph but graduated from DHS in ’56, a bit older than you but remember the Volk family very well. I’m sure you knew my brother Ray Snyder. He passed away at age 63 a few years ago.

      • Jim says:

        Carole, do you believe that former neighbors, such as you and I, are reconnecting like this. Yes, my dad was Steve Volk and I am Jim. My older brother Steve is living in Florida near Merritt Island, and I am on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I certainly remember you and your family. My Aunt Mary lived right behind you on MArtin Street and we would always cut through your back yard and down the hill to her house to visit. I remember Ray, aka Raymie, very well and your dad too. Ray Sr. would always invite us over to scare the crap out of us whenever he brought home a snapping turtle from his fisihing trips. He succeeded in doing so every time! I have a special post that I am hoping to do in the future and dedicate to a little black dog named Tuffie. I’m certain you remember him well. Take care, God bless and stay turned ol’ neighbor! – JV

  127. cathy sturm says:

    Hey thanks for the trip down memory lane I live in Arkansas now but I grew up on Peter St …the top half …the lower portion always seemed like a different street to me. After all it was way on the other side of Kennedy Avenue.

    • Carole Snyder Binkney says:

      Did you know the Schulte’s, the Rossner’s, the Meyers??? all from the top part of Peter St. They were all relatives and then there were more.

      • cathy sturm says:

        Oh yes all …the Schulte’s were our next door neighbors …when I was maybe 3 or so I have pictures of myself with their black poodle TNT I think my mom said he was Carol’s dog …was he your dog? …we still make Mrs Schulte’s black cake …It’s always been one of my family’s favorite recipes …I didn’t know that you were all related

      • Colleen Byrne Travis says:

        Carole, I remember your brother, Ray. So sorry to hear of his death. He and my brother, Pat Byrne and Jimmy Flannigan were good friends at Edison. We went to Holy Name and then on to Edison. It was great to meat so many new friends when we went to Edison.

      • Linda L. (Negley) Gibb says:

        Carole, you said you graduated in 56, you must know my hubby, Jim Gibb. He was your classmate. I just found this site tonight. My cousin, Claire Imblum sent it to me & I’ll send it to Jimmy when I get off of it.
        This is a great site. I hope I can find some of my classmates on it.

    • Well how do Ms. cathy this is your ol time steel working electric furnace friend gary stojakovich saying God bless you girl you just made my day

  128. Tina Estochin Hull says:

    Michelle, I, too, live in Fayetteville, NC. I’d like to get together some “hunkys” for the international folk festival in September. Are you interested?

  129. Tom Lane says:

    Hi, I grew up on Dell st. about 2 blocks from Thomas ave. I went to Dr. Brown once for a pulled back muscle. And, I used to sneak over to Kroger’s also and partake of the early morning pastry! We were two blocks away, but worlds apart. I am not sure I remember who you are. I graduated from DHS in 62. Loved Jims, Irenes, and the Hucksters. I live in Indiana now and get back to Duquesne about once a year. Great reminises… tom

    • Carole Snyder Binkney says:

      Would you be Judy Lane’s sister?? I grew up on Thomas St. and graduated from DHS in ’56. I believe she worked at Duquesne City Bank around the time I did and married a pharmacist. We used to walk to school together at times. I ran across this site tonight and have been in the wonderful time tunnel ever since. I ‘ve lived in Ms. for the past 30+ years since my Duquesne husband was an Air Force vet and this was our last assignment…never left.

      • tom lane says:

        Yes, Judy is my sister and she married Ron Macosko, the pharmacist who bought Woodys drug on 1st st and then, moved it to West Mifflin years later. They have 6 great kids and still live in the area. Your name sounds familiar, but I was 5 years younger than Judy. I will pass on your name to her. thanks. tom

      • Jim says:

        I remember Woody’s well. The one item my parents swore by was his “Drawing and Healing Salve.” Splinters came out painlessly. I wonder if it is still made or available anywhere?

  130. Ralph DeRose says:

    How refreshing to read a number of your articles. Thank you for bringing back such fond and great memories. We have much to be proud of being raised in such a community and many friends that have made great accomplishments in their lives because of their childhood vales and teachings.

    • Ken Denne says:

      Hope you and the bride are doing well.. How about an update ? Living in Wilmington, NC since 1994…Physically you were not a basketball player but your fortitude , attitude and gamesmanship was a key factor to that 60 team !!!!!

  131. Paula (Manns) Niedoba says:

    Really appreciated the trip back in time. Everyone I grew up with was a “Hunky”, although my husband lovingly refers to me as a “Gerk”, German-Czek…went to the German church, St. Joe’s.
    Lots of Christmas’ have come and gone since I was a kid but the warm and familiar memories of those Hunky traditions will always be with me.
    Thanks for stirrin’ them up!

    • Steve Barczy says:

      Paula, Hi from another hunky.

      • Paula (Manns) Niedoba says:

        Hey there. ’71 graduate?

      • tom schultz says:

        Hi Steve:
        Hope this is the Barcy family I married into—Maryanne Schultz says “hello” to you also!! Great site–brings back sooo many memories> Tell Roes we said hello also unless it’s been too long!! Talk to ya!!

  132. Michelle Sullivan says:

    Just received this from one of my good Duquesne “hunky” friends….I’m Irish but an Honorary H – went to Holy Name and DHS ’65. Enjoyed reading this from Fayetteville NC – really well done!

    • Jim says:

      Michelle, thanks for the feedback. I have contacted the “Mother House” of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Baden, PA to find out about some of the sisters that were at Holy Name. The “Mother House”, kinda eerie! I wonder if its like a “Mother Ship?” I always thought…….. oh well, I digress!! LOL

    • Dianne Kasten says:

      Dear Michelle,
      A friend sent me this website today and I’ll be reading it for the rest of the week. How great! I enjoyed spending almost 8 years with you at Holy Name. I remember you reading the Three Musketeers (for the third or fourth time) during Math class. I loved going to Kennywood with you and watching you brother sing and watching election results in my living room the night Kennedy was elected.
      Dianne Buczynski Kasten

      • Jim says:

        Dianne, by any chance was your the Paul Kasten who was the organist at Holy Name????

      • Michelle Sullivan says:

        Hi Dianne….just saw this months later but I think I left you a post on here to you a while ago, will look you up on FB! Hope all is well!

    • Sandi (Tovlin) Kaselonis says:

      Hey Michelle!

      Graduated with you in ’65. I’ve also enjoyed reading all the comments and taking a trip down memory lane. Been living in Indiana since 1986, but we will always be die hard Steeler fans.

      GO STEELERS!!!

    • Colleen Byrne Travis says:

      Michelle, I remember you. You were a few years ahead of me at Holy Name. My brother Patrick was in you sister Kathy’s class. My parents, Erna and Jim were friends with your parents, Marty and Kitty. I don’t know why I remember this from so long ago, but I do. I think you had an older sister, Gerry, too.

      • Michelle Sullivan says:

        Hi Colleen – I am reading this many months later and I have some memories of your and your family….hope all is well! Yes, those are my sisters, both are living in Vegas now and I am working in NC but trying to return to Pittsburgh area soon (hopefully). Stay in touch!

  133. Tina Estochin Hull says:

    I am so excited to read your blog. I, too, was raised in Duquesne. I graduated from DHS in 1970. Thanks for the memories. Tina

    • Sandi Tovlin Kaselonis says:

      You are right–there was a laundromat near Butlers. Thomas’ grocery store was on the next corner, then Dolly Allen Beauty Shop. I graduated DHS in 1965 and worked as a “clean up girl” at Dolly’s all four years of high school. Lots of great memories of Dolly, her husband “Bus”, all the other beauticians that worked there during that time, and our Christmas parties at Paule’s Lookout. Thanks for jogging my memories.
      Sandi Tovlin Kaselonis

      • Cheryl Bernot Kasper says:

        Sandi. I must have been the next “clean up girl” after you. I worked there for seven years until I graduated from West Mifflin North in 1972. As you said wonderful years and very nice people to work with. Dolly Allen’s is now in West Mifflin next to where Harvey Wilner’s was on Pennsylvania Avenue. My dad grew up in Duquesne on Wilmot Street. I originally lived in West Mifflin and when I got married, we moved to Duquesne. Lived there 30 years before moving to North Huntingdon.
        Cheryl Bernot Kasper

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